Microsoft Unveils Open-Source DocumentDB on PostgreSQL

Microsoft announced the opening of the project code doCumbdb, which can be used as a separate NOSQL DBMS, as a platform for creating your own storage systems, or as an addition to data storage in BSON format in the DBMS PostgreSQL. In practice, DocumentDB serves as the foundation of the product “azure cosmos db for mongodb,” providing compatibility with the documento-centric Mongodb DBMS. The project code is written in SI and is distributed under the MIT license. The DocumentDB engine is implemented as a superstructure over the PostgreSQL DBMS.

Similar to Mongodb, Documentb utilizes BSON (BINARY JSON) for storing structured documents, enabling the creation of hierarchical structures where documents and arrays can be nested within each other. The key distinction from JSON is the use of binary data serialization for enhanced performance. The project offers NOSQL operations for creating, reading, updating, and deleting data in BSON format, along with an API for standard PostgreSQL (Documentdb can be seen as PostgreSQL with BSON support). Documentdb supports full-text search, vector operations, and geospatial data types.

The project comprises two components:

  • pg_documentb_core – an extension for implementing the BSON type and operations for working with BSON data in PostgreSQL
  • pg_documentb – API access to Documentb for working with BSON format documents and index control

The initial release of Documentdb includes CRUD operations, indexes for individual BSON fields, full-text search indexes (compatible with rum), vector and geospatial queries (compatible with pg_vector and

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.