Live ukraine updates

Stability pact: commission wants more flexible budgetary rules
Ryanair passes crisis through losses and profits
At top of leaders, consensus on devastation linked to global warming
Thierry Burkhard, Chief of Defense Staff: “The military force makes brutal return to stage
Companies continue to recruit executives, despite uncertainties
War in Ukraine: Moscow and kyiv argue Kherson
Iran admits having delivered drones to Russia before start of war in Ukraine
Climate: in a world in crisis, COP27 faced with “a mixture of ambition and fatalism”
Rome: an important gathering for peace, despite divisions on military support in Ukraine
Inflation: Bruno Le Maire is supporting, in support, that there are no “profiteers” in food sector
Mediterranean: migrants taken in a “political impasse”
On a visit to China, Olaf Scholz pleads for an economic rapprochement between Berlin and Beijing
One in four French people say they are in a precarious situation, according to a study by Secours Populaire
Italy: for Giorgia Meloni, of first peaceful steps in Brussels, and already a controversy in Rome
Chancellor Scholz meets Xi Jinping to “further develop” economic cooperation between Germany
Climate: adaptation efforts are insufficient
For first time since start of war, kyiv has used suicide naval drones against Russian fleet
Arch makes eleven proposals for political pluralism during electoral period
Nuclear merger: Russia sends a giant magnet to France as part of ITER program
“Russia. Syrian laboratory”, on Arte: when West remained weapon to foot against Putin
Elon Musk, Bill Gates … “You have to imagine means to control propensity of billionaires to replace
Assault against husband of Nancy Pelosi relaunches concern about security of political class
Twitter: Elon Musk is not solution
Is future of European Union in East? Not sure
“The British financial market storm points to contradictions of political leaders”
Belgium overwhelmed by a new influx of asylum seekers
Why prices of gas reflected on European market
South Africa has “no reason to prevent” arrival of a Russian megayacht
Totalnergies announces a profit of $ 6.6 billion in third quarter of 2022
United Kingdom: Rishi Sunak anchors his government on right
Giorgia Meloni sets a conservative CAP at Italian “Great Nation”
SuperProfits: Nuts must give up its referendum project
Purchase prices: Europeans go around in circles
Italy: Giorgia Meloni promises that Rome will remain “a reliable NATO partner in support of Ukraine”
Hungary: Viktor Orban defends Moscow’s cause against “Brussels sanctions”
“The gaze of Germany towards East relativizes its relationship with France”
Thierry Mariani and Yves Pozzo Di Borgo targeted by an investigation for corruption in connection with Russia
War in Ethiopia: peace talks between Tigerian rebels and federal government in South Africa
Visiting Rome, Emmanuel Macron meets Pope Francis
Rome: a first Catimini meeting between Emmanuel Macron and new president of extreme council
Emmanuel Macron met Giorgia Meloni in Rome
Dark IMF forecasts for European economy in 2023, between high inflation and low growth
“The interconnection of European electricity markets is an asset that it would be badly advised to question
“We offer French socialists to build a new European project with German Chancellor”
Within European Union, debate on relations with China is intensifying
Far -right leader Giorgia Meloni presents a government intended to reassure Rome partners
Midterms 2022: Europeans worried about a possible questioning of American aid to Ukraine
European Union is held in three days to sanction Iran after delivery of drones to Russia