Live ukraine updates

Ukraine: a new meeting at “Normandy format” and “difficult” discussions on crisis
Faced with Russia, United States risks preventive denunciation
Crisis in Ukraine: United Kingdom is ready to deploy 1,000 additional soldiers
Ukrainian crisis: hope of de-escalation is profiled after intense diplomatic exchanges
“Russian misinformation campaigns are thought to target weak points in each company”
Relationship between Ukraine and NATO, Emmanuel Macron’s insoluble equation
Crisis in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron goes to Kiev after Moscow
Washington: Olaf Scholz tries to reassure “reliability” of Berlin against Moscow
At two months of presidential election, Emmanuel Macron thinks he can benefit from Ukrainian crisis
Ukrainian crisis: in Moscow, Emmanuel Macron looking for a balance position
Crisis in Ukraine: Macron told Putin hope to “start a de-escalation”
Crisis in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron in Moscow for a risky diplomatic mission
At Beijing Olympics, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping show a common front of United States
Romania relies on support of United States and NATO
Russia and China display their joint opposition to expansion of NATO
Emmanuel Macron will go to Russia and Ukraine to attempt to start a de-escalation
Washington accuses Moscow to prepare false videos to pretend an attack in Ukraine
Russia closes office of Deutsche Welle after ban on Russia Today in Germany
Crisis in Ukraine: Russia exhorts United States “to stop feeding tensions”
Ukrainian crisis: Facing Russia, United States oscillates between military and diplomatic message
Ukrainian crisis: United States announces deployment of 3,000 soldiers in support of NATO in Europe
Germany prohibits diffusion of Russian chain RT in German
London and Warsaw bring them to Kiev
Ukrainian crisis: hypothesis of “Finland”, or obligatory neutrality
From Ukraine to Mali, Emmanuel Macron’s European voluntarism in event
Vladimir Putin always says to believe in a negotiated “solution” but maintains blur on his intentions
Ukraine: Volodyymyr Zelensky counts its allies in crisis
Ukrainian crisis: diplomatic impasse to UN Security Council
United Kingdom: Severe Internal Report on “PartyGate” weakens a little more Boris Johnson
Joe Biden receives emir of Qatar, issue of gas canvas
Great Britain wants to deploy additional troops in Europe to send “a clear message to Kremlin”
Madrid: European far right shows once again its divisions
Ukraine: Jean-Yves Le Drian and his German counterpart will go to country on February 7th and 8th
Faced with Macron, Putin regrets rejection of his requests by United States
Faced with Putin, Macron continues his hand outstretched policy despite disappointments
Origin of meat served in canteen or restaurant will now be displayed
Crisis in Ukraine: Russia regrets American refusal to limit enlargement of NATO
“The integration of Ukraine into NATO does not seem to me a priority in a pacified and reconciled Europe”
Disclosed details of possible sanctions of United States in case of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Joe Biden criticized for insulting a reporter from Fox News after a round table at White House
Crisis in Ukraine: Germany accused of missing solidarity with its allies
Faced with Putin, Biden tries to reassure Europeans to avoid a break in western front
Ukraine: Westerners renew their warning to Russia in case of aggression
Russia stops administrator of UNICC, a large platform for banking fraud
“Nuclear power is essential to European energy balance”
Faced with Russian threat, war of nerves in Kiev
Ukraine: Washington orders departure of American diplomat families in Kiev
Ukraine: London accuses Moscow to “seek to install a Prorusse leader in Kiev”