Live ukraine updates

War in Ukraine: commodity market isolate
China “includes special military operation” of Russia
War in Ukraine: Facing Russia, Joe Biden’s bet on long-term strength of retaliation measures
First day of war in Ukraine: our special envoys tell
War in Ukraine: Concerns about conflict coverage by Russian chain RT France
European Union announces “massive” sanctions against Russia but disappoints certain Member States
Presidential 2022: CRIF will call “to barring all candidates of extreme left and extreme right
War in Ukraine: NATO activates its “defense plans” to deploy more troops to east
War in Ukraine: executive promises to protect households
“It’s denied to imagine live a war in Europe”
War in Ukraine: video summary of first day of Russian invasion
At National Assembly, war in Ukraine upsets end of parliamentary session
War in Ukraine: Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen Fragilized by Russian strikes
War in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron addresses French and denounces “the choice of war” of Vladimir Putin
War in Ukraine: double drift of Vladimir Putin
François Fillon speaks on Ukraine and is criticized for his proximity to Russia
Ukraine war: oil prices, wheat and aluminum fly away, scholarships collapse
Westerners require “a withdrawal without conditions” and prepare a response that will be “massive” and “
5:05, first explosions resound in Kiev
Ukraine: Why Pro-Russians multiplied false videos of Ukrainian attacks
Of announcement of Vladimir Putin to air and terrestrial attacks of Russian army on Ukraine
Presidential 2022: on background of Ukrainian crisis, Hidalgo and Jadot aim for “danger” Mélenchon
Russia: support without enthusiasm of population in Vladimir Putin
“Campaign fragments”, a special operation of “World” to address substantive topics of presidential election
Volodymyr Zelensky, former actor without experience propelled warlord
Russia is ready to find “diplomatic solutions” with Westerners, says Vladimir Putin
With Ukrainian soldiers on front line: “Western public opinion needs to wake up”
Crisis in Ukraine: in shock, Europe should first be limited to “targeted” sanctions against Russia
Ukrainian crisis: Valérie Pécresse and Marine Le Pen accuse Emmanuel Macron for “making communication”
Ukraine: after months of diplomatic tensions, Vladimir Putin chooses to overthrow table
Crisis in Ukraine: a Putin-Biden summit, ultimate diplomatic effort
Ukraine: Moscow judges “premature” to organize a summit between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden
Starohativka: close to forehead, civilians experienced by bombing
Crisis in Ukraine: In Munich, Westerners show their unity in face of Russian threat
Provocations, Manipulations, Violence: In East of Ukraine, worst scenario
Joe Biden says “convinced” that Vladimir Putin has to attack Ukraine
Crisis in Ukraine: new tensions in Donbass, subject to bombing
Ukrainian crisis: European Union is ready to cope with Moscow gas cuts
Failure to withdraw Russian military withdrawal, fébridge settles around fate of Ukraine
New US gas diplomacy vis-à-vis Europeans
Ukrainian crisis: Westerners posted their caution in face of diplomacy of uncertainty of Vladimir
Crisis in Ukraine: Russia opens door to appeasement with Westerners
Crisis in Ukraine: Kiev requires an emergency meeting with Moscow, Olaf Scholz claims “de-escalation”
Decision process of Vladimir Putin: other intrigue of crisis in Ukraine
Yannick Jadot denounces “a complacency” of some candidates vis-à-vis Russia
Ukrainian crisis: why Putin threatens to go to war
United States ever more Alarmist on crisis in Ukraine
Crisis in Ukraine: Westerners threaten Russia of “drastic sanctions” in case of invasion