Live ukraine updates

Faced with Russia, start of European Union
Algeria is ready to provide more gas to EU “in case of difficulties” related to war in Ukraine
War in Ukraine: Kiev and Moscow start still hazardous negotiations
War in Ukraine: Europe’s airspace closes with Russian planes
Ukraine: an unprecedented anti-dreamed movement appears in Russia
Belarus: powers of President Lukashenko strengthened after a referendum
War in Ukraine, Day 4: Continuation of fighting on humanitarian crisis background
EU announces Close its airspace, finance weapon delivery to Ukraine and bannir RT and Sputnik
War in Ukraine: FIFA and its President, Gianni Infantino, under pressure
War in Ukraine: Jean-Luc Mélenchon recognizes “an error” but makes fun of “exploits” of Emmanuel Macron
War in Ukraine: Civilians take refuge in neighboring countries
France sends humanitarian aid to Ukraine but can not evacuate its nationals for moment
War in Ukraine: “the night was hard”
Western powers prepare exclusion of some Russian banks in Swift Financial Network
War in Ukraine: Russian Roman Abramovich retired from managing his club Chelsea
“Ukraine seeks to emancipate a tutelage of several centuries”
At Grand Mass of Conservatives in Florida, Trump criticizes sanctions against Russia
North Korea judges United States responsible for crisis in Ukraine and draws a missile
By targeting Russian Central Bank, Westeries attack pillar of country’s economic stability
Strasbourg: in manifestation of support for Ukraine: “We were too nice with Putin”
Renaud Muserier, former elected Republicans, announces support for Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron inaugurates Fair of Agriculture
War in Ukraine: Day 3, images of battle for Kiev
India refuses to condemn Russian attack in Ukraine
On Russian television, war in Ukraine is invisible
War in Ukraine: Assume cost of sanctions against Russia
War in Ukraine: worst scenario seems apart from Chernobyl nuclear power plant
War in Ukraine: in Kiev, images of attack of a residential building
Unpackaging UN to vote a resolution against Russian “aggression”
War in Ukraine: in Chambéry, Zemmour tries to defend his volte-face on Russia
Caesar 2022: triumph of “lost illusions”
War in Ukraine: Germany is worried about state of weakness of its army
War in Ukraine, a destabilizing offensive for entire security of European continent
War in Ukraine: “History shows that great lies always lead to a huge human tragedy”
Maroupol: volunteers are preparing for Russian offensive: “It will be very hard and losses will be very high
War in Ukraine: François Fillon resigns from his mandates in Russia, pressure drops for Valérie Pécresse
In French Parliament, a fragile unit on war in Ukraine
“We demand immediate judgment of all acts of war against Ukraine”
Josep Borrell: “It’s about Vladimir Putin to whistle end of democratic recreation in Ukraine”
Joe Biden appoints Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court
War in Ukraine revives gas crisis in European Union
“My life has changed in half a day”: Ukrainians get safe in Poland
War in Ukraine: Grand Prix of F1 and all ski competitions that were to be held in Russia canceled
War in Ukraine: Romania, Member of NATO, is seen in front line against Russia
War in Ukraine: images of Russian missiles that have fallen on Kiev on night from 24 to 25 February
War in Ukraine: Russian vintage tightens around Kiev
French presidential campaign caught up by war
“The ex-European leaders in service of Russian companies contribute to throwing a major discredit on