Live ukraine updates

Russian journalist who brandished a sign against conflict during a television news journal was sentenced to
Ukraine recognizes “huge loss of communication” after cyberattack against KA-SAT satellite
Saudi Arabia, kingdom of death penalty
Gérard Larcher wonders about “legitimacy” of Emmanuel Macron in case of re-election without campaign
“Do not believe propaganda”: anti-guedure protest of a Russian journalist
Conflict in Ukraine: Do Russians want to know?
Decision of Germany to acquire F-35 risk of creating tensions with its European partners
Morocco: Government will subsidize roads in front of diesel orange
War in Ukraine: Deaf dialogue between Washington and Beijing
War in Ukraine: Why France has maintained its exports of military equipment to Russia after 2014
War in Ukraine: “Vladimir Putin will destroy Russian economy”
COVID-19: Despite containment of millions of inhabitants, China still sees number of contaminations increase
Presidential 2022: on TF1, candidates are finally measured at Macron … but remotely
Russia: In full television news, a protester brandished a sign against offensive in Ukraine
Presidential Election 2022: Valérie Pécresse details his program in a new attempt to convince
United Kingdom slightly relaxed conditions of reception of Ukrainian refugees
France has delivered military equipment to Russia until 2020, after embargo decided by EU
Presidential Election 2022: backstage of Florian Philippot support in Nicolas Dupont-aignan
Emmanuel Macron will present his program on Thursday at a press conference
Faced with influx of Ukrainian refugees, Central European cities are asking for help
Mass executions in Saudi Arabia
War in Ukraine: China at time of choice
Germany plans to buy up to 35 F-35 American combat aircraft
Director of viral images of Paris under bombs claims “a film of anticipation, no propaganda”
Presidential Election 2022: Behind rise in price of fuels, political battle of purchasing power
Iran strikes Iraqi Kurdistan after Israeli bombing in Syria
COVID-19: More mask in business, more protocol, almost back to normal
Real estate credits: rising rates is announced
Bombing of Yaroviv base, severe warning for Westerners
Worst scenario, Ukraine and Russia
“It’s no longer strong” In Mykolav, Russian army deliberately targets civilians
COVID-19: France raises essentials of sanitary restrictions
Despite war in Ukraine, Banque de France does not intend to recession
“Aggression against Ukraine resets European value: asylum”
War in Ukraine: Valérie Pécresse calls for exceeding “legitimist reflex” favorable to Emmanuel Macron
Ukraine: “The war brings old stereotypes with courageous men and women in tears”
Michel Goya, elite expert from war in Ukraine
North: Marine Le Pen mobilizes his popular electorate for his “survival”
Fuels: a “15 cents pump discount per liter” will apply from April 1st
Right and far-right officials deplore presence of non-European migrants
At border between Finland and Russia, fear of a new iron curtain
War in Ukraine: Spain wants to resurrect Midcat pipeline project
War in Ukraine: Russian propaganda on biological weapons worries Westerners
For Nathalie Arthaud, confrontation between Moscow and “Imperialist Camp” is a “war between brigands”
Slowed down by resistance of Ukrainians, Russian army intensifies strikes against cities
Russia takes hostage negotiations on Iranian nuclear power
War in Ukraine: rushed departure of Russia of French students
“Munich”, “Va-t-war”: conflict in Ukraine awakens old cleavages of left