Live ukraine updates

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Marine Le Pen and Fabien Roussel repel their ambition to leave France from NATO to the
War in Ukraine: UN General Assembly again calls for a ceasefire of Russia again
War in Ukraine: largest exodus on European soil since Second World War
Murder of Federico Martin Aramburu: Loïk Le Priol, main suspect, soon extradé
United States and EU Announce Partnership to Reduce European Dependence on Russian Fossil Energies
Energy rehabilitation of housing: “The” Ready “loan” renovation is a solidarity and financial revolution
Brussels: Westerners united but deprived against war in Ukraine
Will war in Ukraine risks slowing fight against climate change?
In middle of Ukrainian war, North Korea renews with its policy of bravado
Russia restricts access to Google News
Volodymyr Zelensky calls for “unrestricted military help” to NATO
Ukraine destroyed: cities before and after passage of Russian forces
Back from Ukraine, a French neonazi activist arrested and indicted
War in Ukraine: “In United States, syndrome of Iraq and that of Afghanistan did not dissipate”
“Arnold Schwarzenegger” in “Le Monde”, Monsieur Universe to Herald Anti-Dairy
In front of French Parliament, Volodyymr Zelensky revives debate on economic sanctions against Russia
Russia: Anatoli Tchoubaïs, counselor of Putin and liberal figure, defeat
War in Ukraine: great return of US military in Europe
On television, lack of debate penalizes political emissions
War in Ukraine: a Russian journalist killed in a bombing in kyiv
Weakened by war in Ukraine, Egypt asks for support of IMF
War in Ukraine: Putin sows disorder, imposing payment in Russian gas
Death of Madeleine Albright, former American diplomacy headline under Bill Clinton
War in Ukraine: Renault resolves to draw a feature on its Russian adventure
War in Ukraine: French companies present in Russia under call of boycott
Renault gives way to pressure and suspends activities of its factory in Moscow
In front of French parliamentarians, Volodyymr Zelensky evokes motto of Republic and Jean-Paul Belmondo
War in Ukraine: NATO draws up a first assessment of Russian losses
Tunisia: renewal of peasant seeds
Teachers “in blur” of presidential campaign
War in Ukraine: Russian losses are estimated at about 10,000 soldiers
“The war in Ukraine rang awakening of Europe”
War in Ukraine: from missed offensive to carnage, a month of war of Russian army
Oleh Banturn, Ukrainian journalist kidnapped in busy Kherson region: “They threatened me with death”
Sandra Laugier: “Zelensky, even in his new role of warlord, arises in president-citizen”
Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron Facing fears of French
War in Ukraine: Russia adopts heavy sentences repressing “lies” on his action abroad
In Mykolav, they chose to stay at home despite war
Alexei Navalny sentenced to nine years in additional prison
Nigeria at edge of blackout because of rising fuel prices
War in Ukraine: United States anticipates a resurgence of cyberattacks
Africa already pays price of war in Ukraine
French Government defends “more” agriculture in Brussels
Crash in China: “Boeing may be confronted with a difficult investigation and a new degradation of its image
Italy seeks to reduce its dependence on Russian gas
“The war in Ukraine will weigh much more heavily on Chinese strategy that would have desired by regime
“A peaceful city, they just pull on infrastructure, on inhabitants, they scare them”
Day of action in several cities of France to protest against increase in price of fuels