Live ukraine updates

Emmanuel Macron, from “Revolution” to continuity
At Champ de Mars, supporters of Emmanuel Macron celebrate a historic victory with a bitter taste
War in Ukraine: far from forehead, Chernivtsi Easter festival without joy
Poland: “fatigue of help” to Ukrainian refugees begins to be felt
Israelis and Palestinians in mirror of Ukraine
Germany: anti -lechald demonstrators defend a village threatened with disappearance
War in Ukraine: isolate hierarchy of Russian Orthodox Church
War in Ukraine, priority of Elysée
European Union has finalized its legislation to eliminate areas of non-right on Internet
Ukraine: satellite images reveal common pits near Maroupol
Russia shouts victory in Maroupol before its fall
Cochared by Ukraine, Joe Biden seeks to take home indoor
Canada sends heavy weapons to Ukraine
War in Ukraine: Joe Biden announces new military aid “in a critical period”
“PartyGate”: Boris Johnson aimed at a parliamentary inquiry
War in Ukraine: Vladimir Putin claims “the release” of Maroupol
Ukraine: Attorney General tracks war crimes “twenty-four hours a twenty-four”
Russia, fracture line between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen
Debate from between-Tours: strange erasure of Marine Le Pen
“punchlines” of a debate followed by 15.6 million French
Audiences Radio: France Inter smiles, Europe 1 suffers
Presidential 2022: Between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, great European gap
Macron-Le Pen debate: outgoing President accuses NR candidate for “depending on Russian power”
War in Ukraine: Wimbledon will exclude Russian and Belarus players from 2022 tournament
Macron debate – Le Pen: two candidates who capitalize on distinct themes
“In refusal of young people to choose, there is a questioning of participatory democracy”
How do cluster munitions and thermobaric bombs work?
Immigration: France, a little attractive country for refugees
In Horn of Africa, drought threatens famine 20 million people
War in Ukraine tests limits of Swiss welcome model
To welcome refugees from Ukraine, indispensable mediation of volunteer interpreters
Ukraine: In pictures, inhabitants of Boutcha bury their deaths in chain
IMF seeks down its global growth forecasts and is concerned about risks of financial instability
War in Ukraine: Russian Orthodox Church in tight rows behind Putin
Chinese growth resists first trimester
China: First dead due to COVID-19 in Shanghai since beginning of confinement
Death of Jean-Paul Fitoussi, economist and society thinker
Ramadan and Diplomacy in Paris
Marine Le Pen: a hazardous project for climate
War in Ukraine: military scenarios possible in donbass
War in Ukraine: Maroupol, Baroud of honor of Azov brigade against Russian troops
“MOSKVA”: Why loss of this cruiser is an operational and symbolic hard blow for Russia
“For first time in history, international justice seized a crime in progress
“The possible enlargement of NATO to Ukraine must be seriously considered and discussed”
“Faced with inflation, most important thing is to maintain political cohesion”
“The Russian population melts at a vertiginous pace, and war will only accentuate trend”
At DOKTOR DOG, in Zaporijia, children try to forget war
At Aeroflot, warning searches for Russian elites