Live ukraine updates

Anti -Semitic provocations of Russia oblige Israel to get out of its reserve
Between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin, a resumption of contact without illusion
“After extremely cautious first weeks on part of administration of Joe Biden, turnaround
American Supreme Court places abortion at heart of mid-term electoral campaign
Mario Draghi defends a “pragmatic federalism” and a “new impetus” for enlargement of European Union
War in Ukraine: Russia launches assault on Azovstal factory, last pocket of resistance to Marioupol
Nigeria is looking for funds to build its gas pipeline to Morocco
Egypt: President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, benevolent hero of a television series
Donbass coal mines, nerve of war
“The war in Ukraine is a media war with” human faces “”
War in Ukraine: Russian football clubs will remain excluded from European Cups next season
Japan diplomatic activism in face of reluctance of its neighbors in southern Asia to sanction Russia
Belarusian Association of Journalists receives UNESCO Prize for Press Freedom
Tourists avoid Poland, deemed too exposed to war in Ukraine
Greece: a twenty-four hour strike against inflation, which broke records
Morocco: Faced with prices that are soaring, increased minimum wage
“A humanitarian military operation of Westerners in Black Sea could avoid global famine”
War in Ukraine: Is kyiv dependent on Russian gas?
Shadow of a Russian oligarch on Pompidou center
Challenges of choice of Ukrainian refugees welcomed in France
War in Ukraine: visit of Antonio Guterres marked by bombing of kyiv
War in Ukraine: “Russia’s strategic failure is already there”
Bundestag: fragile consensus on armament of Ukraine
Unemployment: 5 % drop in number of job seekers in first quarter of 2022
“For car manufacturers, selling less does not prevent earning more”
Totalnergies announces “the start of a decline” for its megachanta gas in Russia
Rents carried by inflationary pressure
War in Ukraine: “blackmail” with Moscow gas worries Europeans
Breed cases have jumped 80 % worldwide in first two months of year
Indonesia: palm oil crisis causes a stir
“Advertising, for moment only Twitter resource, is an eminently volatile and very sensitive good”
How France is preparing for assumption of a russian gas supply
Debate on legal migration to EU reopened by Brussels
On American basis of Ramstein in Germany, force demonstration of United States against Russia
War in Ukraine: Despite a deluge of fire, Russia cannot fully seize Donbass
United Nations adopts obligation to justify any veto on background of Russian blocking on Ukraine
World Bank anticipates that commodity prices will remain high until end of 2024
State temporarily allows industry to replace sunflower oil without changing packaging
War in Ukraine: allies gathered in Germany on initiative of United States
Purchasing power, employment, industry … economic challenges of new five -year term of Emmanuel Macron
From Budapest to Warsaw, silence and embarrassment of populist governments of Central Europe
Turkey: Accused of comploiting against government, patron Osman Kavala sentenced to life prison
Climate change: “In 2027, will there be something Macron something like a remorse
Shadow of Russian ogre plane on vineyards of Black Sea
Results of presidential election: an abstention near records
Morocco: Prime Minister accused of conflict of interest on backdrop of increase in fuel prices
For Emmanuel Macron, a party shipped on Champs-de-Mars
War in Ukraine: leaders of diplomacy and American defense viscuted in kyiv