Live ukraine updates

Europeans in maneuver to lower their energy bill
Ukraine: Westerners continue their military aid
“Casually, it has advanced”: National Refoundation Council launched under sign of “dialogue”
United States announces new aid of $ 2.7 billion for kyiv and its neighbors
In Czech Republic, social crisis awakens Prorussies forces
In United Kingdom, Prime Minister Liz Truss announces a freeze on energy prices
War in Ukraine: a Ukrainian counter-offensive shakes up Russian forces near Kharkiv
To lower energy bill, European Commission is ready to go to showdown with Putin
Volleyball world: brutal landing for Blues, eliminated by Italy in quarter-finals
Vladimir Putin threatens to no longer deliver either oil or gas if prices are capped by European Union
A modern “Marshall Plan” to rebuild Ukraine
Moscow and kyiv turn to suppliers of unexpected weapons
International Atomic Energy Agency requires a “protection zone” around power station
Liz Truss, a new British Prime Minister, promises to get United Kingdom out of “storm”
At heart of Ukrainian counter-offensive, expectation of “reinforcements” before considering new conquests
Russia accentuates pressure on Europe by stopping North Stream 1 gas pipeline
Since invasion of Ukraine, Russia has earned 158 billion euros thanks to its hydrocarbon exports
Ivan Safronov, ex-journalist specializing in military issues, sentenced to 22 years in prison for high treason
Germany: a “massive” plan to fight against expensive life
Moscow: discount funeral for Mikhail Gorbachev
Human rights, intimate and Philippe Sands
Ségolène Royal claims to have “never denied war crimes” in Ukraine and
“Total screen”: Ukraine, chores war rages on Tiktok
Member states of European Union agree on a mission of training of Ukrainian soldiers
Death of Mikhail Gorbachev: ambivalent legacy of last Soviet leader
Twenty-seven remain in disagreement on granting of tourist visas to Russians in European Union
Emmanuel Macron will bring together a defense council dedicated to energy on Friday
Kherson region, a strategic area where Ukrainian army is trying to repel Russian forces
French growth resists, but 2023 promises to be perilous
Prague: Olaf Scholz formulates his vision of a “geopolitical Europe”
War in Ukraine: European Union divided on suspension of visas granted to Russians
In front of Medef, Elisabeth Borne urges companies to energy sobriety
Avian flu: temporary changes in recipes authorized for certain egg -based products or
Olaf Scholz pleads for majority rather than unanimity on European taxation and diplomacy
“Green Fund”: government gives wages before start of school year
What was religion of Slavs before their conversion to Christianity?
A massacre could hide another in Lebanon in 1976
Elisabeth Borne announces a green fund with 1.5 billion euros to support communities
Increases in electricity and gas prices will be “contained” in 2023 despite surge of prices
Montenegro, targeted by a cyber attack, calls for international aid and accuses Russia
Russia opposes adoption of a text on nuclear disarmament to UN
Emmanuel Macron answers Liz Truss that “the United Kingdom is a friendly nation, whatever its leaders”
Totalnergies announces to yield his participation in a Russian gas field in his partner Novatek
Wholesale price of electricity in France exceeds 1,000 euros per megawatt hour, against 85 euros a year ago
In event of a nuclear accident at Zaporijia power plant, war will complicate populations
War in Ukraine: pressure increases on totalnergies about its role in Russia
At Zaporijia nuclear power plant, “the scenario of an accident cannot be excluded”
Electricity: new blow for EDF nuclear park