Technology News | Page 4

Russia and Mexico agreed to transfer technology of “satellite V”
Apple forced to reduce production of iPhone 13 because of shortage of electronic chips
Shares of largest manufacturer of computers collapsed
“messenger” took part in Microelectronics Forum
Solid flight of health data from AP-HP: a computer hacker stopped
New Apple computers are declassified
Hundreds of unknown substances found in electronic cigarettes
Created to errands a quantum computer
Lack of workers struck electronics industry
Hackers hacked UN computers
Listed deficiencies of iphone
Upgrading Doglinux Assembly for equipment check
From electronic labor, some Russians began to disappear
Firefox 85 will switch to ECH to hide domain in HTTPS traffic
NMAP Security Scanner License Incompatible with Fedora
Linux Mint 20.1 Distribution Release
KDE Applications 20.12.1 released
PicoLibc 1.5 Standard C Library Release
Release of proprietary NVIDIA driver 460.32
GNU tar 1.33 release
Change of BIND DNS server release generation model. BIND 9.18 postponed to next year
Slacko Puppy 7.0 distribution released
Apple Reveals Kernel and System Components for macOS 11.0 “Big Sur”
PeerTube 3.0 Platform Release with Decentralized Streaming Support
Release of OpenZFS 2.0.1, ZFS implementation for Linux and FreeBSD
Leaked Nissan project source code due to admin / admin account
Gentoo drops support for LibreSSL in favor of OpenSSL and LibreTLS
Firefox 84.0.2 update with vulnerability fix
Wasmer 1.0, a toolkit for platform agnostic WebAssembly applications
GitHub lifted restrictions for Iranian developers
Renowned open source software developer appointed as CIO at White House
Chrome will start using HTTPS by default
Tcl / Tk 8.6.11 Release
Qt Company has restricted access to source code of LTS branch of Qt 5.15
Most important events of 2020
TabFS – FUSE file system module for working with browser tabs
Assessing Linux Users’ Hardware Preferences
Mozilla is working on a new look for Firefox
Release of Rust programming language 1.49
SolarWinds attackers managed to gain access to Microsoft code
GNU Wget 1.21 Release
Release of GNU library libmicrohttpd 0.9.72
Swrast software rendering driver removed from Mesa
Tux Paint 0.9.25 children’s painting software released
Search for packages in PIP Python repository is broken
Release of a minimalistic set of system utilities BusyBox 1.33
Release of Deepin 20.1 distribution, developing its own graphical environment
Release of distributed source management system Git 2.30