Live russia updates

War in Ukraine: “I can not do business with Russia anymore. I’m ready to lose my job.”
“Syria, women in war”, on France 5: a tragic resonance with Ukraine
France Buissonnière: four picards in wind
Caesars 2022 were in black: it may be a detail for you
War in Ukraine: delicate neutrality of Gulf countries
War in Ukraine: “Russian compressor roll may end up
War in Ukraine: Visa and Mastercard suspend their operations in Russia
Presidential Election 2022: With war in Ukraine, Zemmour campaign undermined by doubt
War in Ukraine: “It’s our duty to go down street in Paris to say no to this war”
Russia: many international media suspend their activity
Marine Le Pen minimizes Marion Marion Marion and criticizes Eric Zemmour’s campaign
On Internet, “Ukraine has already won War of Information”
War in Ukraine: “Within Europe, policy of new pipelines has created a lot of tension”
Plane nuclear threat on war in Ukraine
Presidential Election 2022: major effects of war in Ukraine on electoral game
War in Ukraine: India tries to evacuate its nationals of conflict trap
Presidential Election 2022: in Chartres, charge of four “Musketeers” of Valérie Pécresse against Macron
Emmanuel Macron wants to build a European resilience plan in response to war in Ukraine
War in Ukraine: Volodyymyr Zelensky denounces NATO rejection of air exclusion zones
TWitter accounts militant for Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen suspended “by mistake”
Jihadist attack against a base of Malian army
Petro Kotin, President of company that operates Zaporijia plant
War in Ukraine does European automotive industry
Safety of Ukrainian nuclear power plants to war test
After invasion of Ukraine by Russia, United States seeks to reassure Taiwan
Russian invasion in Ukraine, a scenario that divided Western intelligence services
Understand threat of nuclear weapon in 10 questions
Ukraine: largest nuclear power plant in Europe fallen in hands of Russia
Impossible ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine
Valérie Pécresse seeks to exist by speaking defense
War in Ukraine: Dakar protests with Kiev and calls him to stop recruiting in Senegal
War in Ukraine: Zelensky fears “The Apocalypse” in Europe if world “can not stop” Putin
For Emmanuel Macron, an entry in countryside while sobriety
Gerhard Schröder, “private friend” of Vladimir Putin, more isolated than ever
Economic Resilience Plan: Government Ready to “Continue Efforts” for Purchasing Power
War in Ukraine: a week of video conflict
Mali: rise of army makes a fear of a multiplication of burrs
War in Ukraine: great disarray of Russian speakers of Daugavpils, in Latvia
Presidential 2022: Valérie Pécresse wants to bring defense budget beyond 2% of GDP
Odessa: unbelievable inhabitants facing Russian attack
War in Ukraine: upset return of Russian war machine
War in Ukraine: United States military support to Ukraine, constant but cautious since 2014
War in Ukraine: Turkey Locks Straits of Bosphorus and Dardanelles to Russian Ships
War in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron, President of Crises
War in Ukraine Forces Prorussian leaders from Central Europe to contortions
Oil courts find disturbing peaks
War in Ukraine: “Facing Russian diktat, we need more than ever a common energy diplomacy”
“The magnitude of sanctions against Russian sport reveals complacency that prevailed before”