Live russia updates

War in Ukraine: China at time of choice
Director of viral images of Paris under bombs claims “a film of anticipation, no propaganda”
Presidential Election 2022: Behind rise in price of fuels, political battle of purchasing power
Instagram blocked in Russia, after a slowdown weekend
Russian army continues encirclement of Kiev
Iran strikes Iraqi Kurdistan after Israeli bombing in Syria
Bombing of Yaroviv base, severe warning for Westerners
Worst scenario, Ukraine and Russia
“It’s no longer strong” In Mykolav, Russian army deliberately targets civilians
Death of actor William Hurt, familiar face of American cinema
“This camp has become a center of torture”: in Mali, army and Wagner accused of abuse on civilians
Despite war in Ukraine, Banque de France does not intend to recession
“Aggression against Ukraine resets European value: asylum”
War in Ukraine: Valérie Pécresse calls for exceeding “legitimist reflex” favorable to Emmanuel Macron
In archives of “World”: 23 essential items on Vladimir Putin
Tennis: tears of Naomi Osaka, taking over by a spectator at Indian Wells tournament
Demography, other Russian forehead
Michel Goya, elite expert from war in Ukraine
Missiles aim at US Consulate in Erbil, Kurdistan
North: Marine Le Pen mobilizes his popular electorate for his “survival”
At border between Finland and Russia, fear of a new iron curtain
War in Ukraine: Spain wants to resurrect Midcat pipeline project
War in Ukraine: Russian propaganda on biological weapons worries Westerners
Part of equilibrism of United States and Venezuela after their surprise rapprochement
For Nathalie Arthaud, confrontation between Moscow and “Imperialist Camp” is a “war between brigands”
Slowed down by resistance of Ukrainians, Russian army intensifies strikes against cities
Russia takes hostage negotiations on Iranian nuclear power
War in Ukraine: rushed departure of Russia of French students
“Munich”, “Va-t-war”: conflict in Ukraine awakens old cleavages of left
War in Ukraine: Europe tries to put in order of battle against probable aggravation of conflict
“The war in Ukraine will transform Europe”
War in Ukraine: videos and satellite images of Maroupol show a besieged city, in ravaged places
China remains optimistic about its growth in 2022
In full war in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron clings to “European sovereignty”
China, auxiliary zealous of Russian propaganda on Ukraine
War in Ukraine: Videos that attest to use of cluster munitions in civil zones
War in Ukraine: head of Russian Orthodox Church under pressure of Catholics and Protestants
Gathered at Versailles, twenty-seven are trying to go out while war worsens in Ukraine
Global shipping undergoes consequences of war in Ukraine
“Z”, emblem of an exacerbated Russian patriotism
War in Ukraine: failure of Ukraino-Russian talks in Turkey
Presidential 2022: Facing Eric Zemmour, Valérie Pécresse plays map of puggance and aggression
Worried about inflation, European Central Bank reduces monetary support
Why Ukraine was popular with African students
Inflation reaches a record of 7.9% in February in United States
Embarrassing generosity of Russian oligarchs for institutions and political parties of United Kingdom
Chile: Left President Gabriel Boric officially takes office
When Matteo Salvini, figure of Italian far-right, tries to forget his admiration for Vladimir