Live russia updates

On eve of legislative elections, Italian economy under test of energy crisis
For European companies, China first represents a risk
War in Ukraine: Istanbul, Russian exit door which flees mobilization
War in Ukraine: nearly fifty people die every day, according to Volodymyr Zelensky
To UN Security Council, Russia alone against all
Nazaire, Emmanuel Macron revives by renewable
In Moscow’s recruitment offices, resignation, fear and anger
Between France and Madagascar, list of litigation is lengthening against a background of Russian interference
A deadly army raid kills at least eight children in Burma
Fears and questions in Brussels before possible victory of Giorgia Meloni in Italy
“I prefer to go to jail rather than in Ukraine”: in Russia, shock of military mobilization
Nationalized Germany ultimately energy company Uniper, overwhelmed by gas crisis
“upheavals”: François Hollande draws a disturbing diagnosis of etiolation of democracies
Vladimir Putin announces mobilization of 300,000 reservists for Ukrainian front
At UN, Westerners denounce risk of a new escalation in event of annexation of Ukrainian territories
Prorussies territories in Ukraine announce referendums in form of ultimatum
Formula 1: No Grand Prix de France in 2023, Monaco maintained
Ecological use and transition: “As long as a national plan will not exist, it will not work”
Under effect of sanctions, Russian planes operating in Africa for United Nations are nailed to ground
Iran before International Court of Justice to recover its frozen assets in United States
Fontainebleau: Edouard Philippe is back to school and prepares next electoral deadlines
Mali: two members of French Embassy arrested and then released
Sweden: alliance trap with extreme right
“Intense clashes” at border between Kyrgyzistan and Tajikistan
China to aid of Russian economy, careful support and interested
MEPs believe that Hungary is no longer a real democracy
Vladimir Putin is looking for anti-Western support for Xi Jinping
Riddled with debts, national rally relaunches a “great national loan”
Visiting Izioum, Volodymyr Zelensky celebrates Ukrainian successes
Ursula von der Leyen wants to recover 140 billion euros from superprofits of energy companies
War in Ukraine: kyiv Press Berlin to accelerate arms deliveries
War in Ukraine: behind success of counter-offensive of kyiv troops, ubiquitous American support
Kazakhstan: Pope Francis calls on international community to get out of logic of “opposite blocks”
Kyiv: war and rapprochement with European Union strengthen democratic impulse
Release of keyboard layout stream 2.0 with community corrections
In Central African Republic, a Frenchman accused of espionage begins a hunger strike
War in Ukraine: Russian army fell in face of flash counter-offensive of kyiv forces
From Balaklia to Izioum, on way to Ukrainian reconquest
Alaska: American army learns to fight in a cold universe
Europeans in maneuver to lower their energy bill
Ukraine: Westerners continue their military aid
In North Korea, a new law authorizes preventive nuclear strikes
READY REPENLDAP 1.2.0 release release
United States announces new aid of $ 2.7 billion for kyiv and its neighbors
In Czech Republic, social crisis awakens Prorussies forces
War in Ukraine: a Ukrainian counter-offensive shakes up Russian forces near Kharkiv
To lower energy bill, European Commission is ready to go to showdown with Putin
Mali: army and its militias accused of sexual violence and looting in center of country