Live russia updates

“Russia. Syrian laboratory”, on Arte: when West remained weapon to foot against Putin
Madagascar: resumption of negotiations on Eparses Islands will not take place
Mali: at least 13 civilians killed by “white” soldiers and men, according to local sources
China has completed assembly of its space station
With Paul Pogba’s package, Didier Deschamps loses much more than a player for World Cup
In euro zone, growth slows down and inflation is
Collapse of a bridge in India: at least 137 dead, nine people arrested for manslaughter
In Central African Republic, three members of an armed group condemned for crimes against humanity
Elon Musk, Bill Gates … “You have to imagine means to control propensity of billionaires to replace
Is future of European Union in East? Not sure
Western Sahara: UN Security Council demands resumption of negotiations
Giuliano Da Empoli winners of Grand Prix of French Academy
Why prices of gas reflected on European market
Mali: security has deteriorated sharply since arrival of Wagner, according to United States
South Africa has “no reason to prevent” arrival of a Russian megayacht
Totalnergies announces a profit of $ 6.6 billion in third quarter of 2022
Documentation for postgreSQL 15.0 in Russian is available
Purchase prices: Europeans go around in circles
“The members of FIFA Executive Committee saw air conditioning of stadiums as miracle solution”
Italy: Giorgia Meloni promises that Rome will remain “a reliable NATO partner in support of Ukraine”
Hungary: Viktor Orban defends Moscow’s cause against “Brussels sanctions”
Exodus in Spain of last independent journalists of Cuba
“The gaze of Germany towards East relativizes its relationship with France”
Thierry Mariani and Yves Pozzo Di Borgo targeted by an investigation for corruption in connection with Russia
New bookstore, which has given up publishing a new book by Gabriel Matzneff
Visiting Rome, Emmanuel Macron meets Pope Francis
On energy, upset ambitions of Emmanuel Macron European
Dark IMF forecasts for European economy in 2023, between high inflation and low growth
Within European Union, debate on relations with China is intensifying
Midterms 2022: Europeans worried about a possible questioning of American aid to Ukraine
European Union is held in three days to sanction Iran after delivery of drones to Russia
Faced with surge in energy prices, Europeans ask commission to explore “urgently” all
Moscow places its Ukrainian conquests under regime of martial law and evacuations
Italy: Berlusconi “reconnects” with Putin and sows disorder in coalition
Delay in Ariane-6 project penalizes space Europe
2022 World Cup: close ties of president of FIFA with Qatar
Target of prorussian rumors, French ambassador to kyiv denies having resigned
Head of German -free German cybersecurity agency
Energy: Europeans still have no solution against pricing
Iran, a new actor of war in Ukraine
Madagascar: Minister of Foreign Affairs dismissed after his vote against Russia in UN
World 2022 in Qatar: case of awareness of football fans
Incidents at Stade de France: French police accused of “criminal assault” in a British report
Nuclear: Germany will extend operation of its last three power plants
EU officially establishes its military training mission for Ukraine
These Iranian drones which sow terror in Ukraine
Xi Jinping: danger of omnipotence
Italy: first fractures within coalition of right of Giorgia Meloni