Live russia updates

Ukraine threatened Russia with a “hellish” scenario in Crimea in 2021
Turkey and United States set up a working group on S-400
Russian child cut off from family due to pandemic returned home
Terrorists took responsibility for shelling Russian military in Syria
Putin signed law on minimum price for tobacco
Putin tightened rules for holding rallies
Putin signed a law on food price regulation
Pregnant bride of Russian billionaire starred on beach in a swimsuit
Russians named their top 5 authorities among politicians and celebrities
Putin raised age of youth
26,513 new cases of coronavirus infection detected in Russia
Research of world’s first drug against coronavirus completed in Russia
Britain is first in world to approve vaccine AstraZeneca
Russians talked about importance of questions about zodiac sign in employment
Russians’ spending on New Year’s table has been calculated
Russian economy will be helped in a new way
China calls US budget for 2021 interference in internal affairs
Deputy Prime Minister explained missing dream after criticizing Putin
Russian doctors who fell asleep at patient’s bed explained
Russians predicted weather for first days of new year
Most popular vacancies in 2020 in Russia are
Russians listed most promising areas of work in 2021
Nutritionist shared a way to avoid a hangover after New Year
Prices for crab salad soared in Russia
Ministry of Health described danger of children’s champagne
Golikova revealed differences between Russian vaccines against coronavirus
WHO named target of coronavirus
Act of tourist who hid ashes of Star Trek star on ISS condemned
Russian came to a meeting with head of city and died in corridor of mayor’s office
Russians were named main mistakes in treatment of a hangover
Russia in 2020 set an anti-record for number of space launches
An infectious disease specialist estimated increase in incidence of COVID-19 in Russia after New Year
Golikova insisted on giving up alcohol during vaccination against coronavirus
Russian regions leading in growth of crime have been
Expert called Russians at risk of being left without water and electricity
Professions of Russians working in New Year are revealed
Financier called condition for making money on ruble
Russian justice opens investigation for “fraud” against Alexeï Navalny
In Russia began to create laser systems to combat drones
Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev said he concealed essence of accusation from him
WHO explained creation of a database of vaccinated against coronavirus
Release of Deepin 20.1 distribution, developing its own graphical environment
Putin signed a law to change method of calculating minimum wage
Nutritionists have listed ways to avoid overeating for New Year
Russian forecasters told about weather in coming January
Libya: how Turks and Russians parasitize UN mediation
Pushkov responded to Ukrainian minister who called vaccine a hybrid weapon
Russia announces cooperation with China on coronavirus vaccines