Live russia updates

“Erdogan wants once again to use Syria to achieve its national goals”
Germany: Boris Pistorius appointed Minister of Defense after resignation of Christine Lambrecht
Australian Open: In 2023, end of “roller coaster” for Novak Djokovic?
Paris opens trial of “Barjols”, group armed with ultra -right to terrorist projects
Davos, end of globalization is in all heads
Complaint against totalnergies for “complicity of war crimes” in Ukraine classified without follow -up
Ukraine: European Union denounces Russian “war crime” in Dnipro
German Minister of Defense resigned following series of blunders
Svetlana tsikhanovskaïa: “It’s mistake to see Belarus separately from Ukraine”
War in Ukraine: Europeans promise first tanks in kyiv
Ukraine, excuses all found to corruption in Russia
With war in Ukraine, uncertain future of Russian cemetery of Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois
Sweden: very controversial wolf hunt
Benjamin Mendy whitening part of rape accusations against him
Doping: Kamila Valieva did not commit “no fault” in case that shakes Beijing Olympics
0-Day Fortios’s vulnerability was used in attacks on government
Mincifers canceled financing of development of Russian OS “Aurora”
Russia: Alexei Navalny suffers ravages of isolation regime
War in Ukraine: “It is battle of Verdun from 21st century which is currently placed in Bakhmout and Soledar”
Discovery in Sweden of “largest known deposit” in rare land in Europe, according to mining group
Africa always undergoes impact of war in Ukraine, according to French Development Agency
Rules for prohibition of cross -border transmission of personal data are defined
Iran: EU studies inscription of revolution guards on its list of terrorist entities
President of European Parliament wants to prohibit lobbying activities on MEPs after their
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“From war in war. From 1940 to Ukraine”: Edgar Morin is wrong with combat
China wants better representation of Africa in international bodies
Valéré Guerassimov, chief of staff of Russian army, resumes operations in hand in Ukraine
Human Rights Watch welcomes international mobilization against war in Ukraine but denounces “two
War in Ukraine: kyiv and his allies fear new Russian mobilization
Consumption of liquefied natural gas explodes orders of Lightners
Sweden special services warned of risk of espionage from Russia
War in Ukraine: Russian forces change tactics and seize city of Soledar
Facebook* users became victims of scams with copyright violations
Adolfo Kaminsky, resistant and photographer, is dead
Japan in face of dilemmas of its military power
Iranian nuclear: impossible rupture around dying deal
Martial arts, war and repression in Chechnya
Issue of built -in DBMS LIBMDBX 0.12.3
Belgium: extension of high tension nuclear power
“The position of President Lula is that of dialogue” with Putin
Belarus: political trial of Nobel Peace Prize, Ales Bialiatski
Year 2022 accelerated transition from German industry
Mali: Al-Qaida claims two deadly attacks on Monday near Bamako
Baur and Merabet, duo in trial for an attack thwarted on eve of 2017 presidential election
France announces sending of “light tanks” to Ukraine
In United States, Republicans are tearing out on presidency of House of Representatives
“War marks turning point in landscape of Ukrainian capitalism”