Live russia updates

End of New Start, latest Russian-American treaty of nuclear disarmament
Vladimir Putin presents Russia as besieged fortress ready for long war
World Anti -Doping Agency requires four years of suspension against Russian skater Kamila Valieva
Disinformation: surprising pleading of French deputy for suspicious cryptocurrency
Stealc new malware provides wide set of data strokes
Paris 2024: country coalition requires “clarifications” in IOC on Russian file
Auchan in Russia: political and diplomatic reactions to “world” investigation
United States initiates strategy to oust Africa mercenaries of Wagner group
Death of historian Daniel Roche
War in Ukraine, an unprecedented shock for energy system and accelerator of transition
Munich, allies of Ukraine want to relaunch production of ammunition
Moldova requires support of West after cyber attacks on government systems
Central Bank: Russians should be able to declare fraud through public services
Vepr system from Roskomnadzor will reveal information threats on network
Year of war in Ukraine: no collapse, but an economic turning point for Europe
BAFTA 2023: “West, nothing new” by Edward Berger Sacré Best Film
Chinese ball: American diplomacy tells Beijing that it should “never happen”
Kirill Serebrennikov, director of “The woman of Tchaikovski”
North Korea draws an unidentified ballistic missile which would have fallen into exclusive economic zone
Mikaela Shiffrin, world ski meteorite that drops records
Munich, Westerners demonstrate their unity in face of Russia
Argentina: “boom” of Russian babies worries government
Issue Simply Linux 10.1 for RISC-V
Nabiullina said that credit organizations should return money that scammers stolen by Russians
An echoed Berlinale with dramas of world
Sberbank will launch pilot project to quickly return money to customers deceived by scammers
Unified cyber abusive base may appear in Russia
Third French fighter killed on Ukrainian battlefield
Dacia moves away from low cost model and dopes Renault sales
Roskomnadzor: By 2024, all communication operators will be connected to Antifrod system
Mincifers called on banks not to use messengers to provide services
Russian got rich using an error in banking application of Ak Bars
Gérald Darmanin must learn from chaos at Stade de France
Xi Jinping will pay state visit to Iran
Passport on smartphone becomes reality
Renault continues its recovery by selling fewer cars
GitHub published report on locks in 2022
HABALAL HAKARA received conditional time for extortion using malicious programs
Andreï ZviaGuintsev, director in exile to “country of author cinema”
Russian earned $ 90 million, using stolen financial documents of hundreds of companies around world
“L’Astronaut”: an UFO film for space odyssey in meadows
FIFA: bonus of 1.66 million euros for Gianni Infantino
NATO countries negotiate their future levels of defense spending
After earthquake, aid begins to reach northwest rebellious in Syria
Russia: six years in prison for journalist after post on Marioupol
Behind false info of Rachid M’Barki on BFM-TV, Israeli pharmacy “Team Jorge” and an intermediary
After cars, European heavy goods vehicles called to gradually do without thermal engines
China Foreign Ministry told United States largest spy power