Live russia updates

Field commander Taliban denied reports of his death in Panjshter
Lithuanian customs officers randomly left for Russia during check-in
In Red Cross, they told about their work in Afghanistan after change of power
Lavrov announced “indecent pressure” of United States in issuing visas
Panjshcher resistance announced beginning of partisan war
Russia: created a system of smart mining
Satellite “Arctic-M” was commissioned
In Germany, they answered accusations in financing of Navalny
Dodon condemned refusal of Moldova parliament to observe elections to State Duma
Most dangerous professions of Russia
Germany accused Russia in kiberataks before elections to Bundestag
Son of Panjshchersky Lion urged Afghans to rebel against “Taliban”
Poland declared situation on border with Belorussia most tense for 30 years
Panjshcher resistance will continue to fight Taliban
Lukashenko “pulled out north” presence of oil in Belarus
Space Center “East” – 11 years
Taliban told about work on Constitution of Afghanistan
Palestinian militants dug a tunnel and escaped from prison in Israel
Regions will buy thousands of school buses and fast on initiative of United Russia
Military lists a one-time payment by decision “United Russia”
Number of those who died during battles in Panjsheter
Lukashenko will discuss oil issues with Putin
Taliban promised to restore communications in Panjshre
FAS accused of growing prices for vegetables “Magnit” and “Pyaterochka”
Taliban told about three combat helicopters captured in Panjsheter
Most successful organic product in Russia turned out to be vodka
Price of aluminum broke record after couch in Guinea
Shares of Russian company rose after coup in Guinea
Taliban announced an end to war in Afghanistan
Russia: there were more millionaire workers
Alexey Gordeyev: “KBCH and Voronezh Mechanical Plant have always been flagships of industry
Resistance in Panjschier refuted victory of Taliban
Share of never anti-credit Russian
US left in Kabul who worked for American Embassy of Afghans
Former head OMV called on Russia and Germany to create a hydrogen alliance
Taliban declared full seizure of Panjscher province
Russia: demand for repair materials grew
Japan responded to Russia’s decision to introduce a special tax regime on Kurilla
Rebels in Guinea told about state of captured president of country
In Vladivostok, they wondered to carry out work on burnt of chips in body
Belarus declared its readiness Union program with Russia on gas
Dozens of boxes with automata supposedly from Russia confiscated in Sudan
Ilon Mask spent a tour of Spacex for grandson of creator of Soviet cosmonautics
Embassy commented on situation with Russians in Guinea
Acceleration of Taliban of female demonstration was rated by words “It’s still flower”
Existence of US aircraft carriers turned out to be threatened
Revelation about status of staff of Russian Embassy in Guinea after shooting
Rebels reported on next failure of Taliban