Live russia updates

Rostelecom to safeguard open-source code from cyber threats
Anton Gorelykin Proposes Cybervysk for Russian Guard
Gazprombank moves processing to Elbrus and Alt Linux
Chinese Hackers Infect Computers via USB Drives
Russian Government Comments on iPhone Ban
Ministry of Cyphra launches free Russian software for universities
EU develops strategy to protect tech supply chain from China, Russia
Chinese Hackers Target US Foreign Affairs Ministry
AI detects Alzheimer’s signs by measuring brain chaos
Mincifers to Set Guidelines for Combat Techniques
Microsoft Cloud Services Hit by Hacktivist DDOS Attacks
Runet 2.0 Launches: Internet Passports Now Required
YouTube deserves blocking, says Khinshtein
European Commission Proposes Google Breakup
Russian President signs law imposing fines for SORM refusal
Windows 10 Buildings with Cryptocurrency Theft Styler Listed
Cybercriminals to Lose Gained Work
Nvidia’s AI reveals data on first request
Roskomnadzor to Boost Protection of Russian Internet
Kaspersky wins court case against Apple
HWL Ebsworth refuses to pay Alphv/Blackcat ransom
Roskomnadzor to restrict runet access for foreign vulnerability scanners
Asian Darknet Credit Card Sales Drop in Group-Ib’s Efforts
North Korean Refugees Get New Internet-Enabled Certificates
Court ends Kiberataka financial org case in Tambov region
Blockchain Theft Ring Uncovered in Russia and CIS
Microsoft Researchers Link Clop Group to Moveit Transfer Attack
Surge in Truebot Anxiety from New Delivery Vectors
Apple denies Russian spying allegations
CrowdStrike CEO Claims AI Can Combat Threats
Russian-Speaking Terminator Wipes Out Antivirus Systems
Conference on Infusion Services Provider
Mos.hub Code Library Now Available for Developers
Firefox adds machine translation support for night assemblies
Moscow Govt Launches Site for Mos.hub Development
Adobe offers free product subscriptions to Russians
Russian Cryptographic Protection Standards for Subscriber Devices by 2030
Positive Hack Days 12 Explores Tech Investments and Prospects
Vladimir Resident Attempts State Resource Hack Twice
Roskomnadzor Warns of Risks with Recommendatory Services
META* Launches 128-Core Processor for Metavselnaya Work
Criminals Shun Genesis Market Darknet Version
WhatsApp allows 15-minute message deletion window
VK to Develop Open Game Engine Nau Engine
Meta Hit with Record Fine for Breaching EU User Data Confidentiality
Russia Plans Mandatory Fee for Skipping Internet Traffic
ISP RAS announces creation of consortium for studying safety of Linux nucleus
Montana Bans TikTok, First US State to Do So