Life News | Page 532

Engines from cars Aurus will start putting on airplanes
In Texas banned abortions
Five people disappeared from US War Helicopter
Kazakhstan: authorities stated State of Emergency in area of ammunition explosions
Ambassador of Afghanistan predepen distribution of resistance to Taliban
Sberbank: record of GDP was predicted in Sberbank
Revelation about intention of Taliban to kill leader of resistance in Panjsheter
Ambassador of Afghanistan stated Taliban “Multicherary” grouping of terrorists
Scientists in United States denied belonging of COVID-19 to respiratory diseases
Russia: an underwater drone robot “Surrogat” was designed
Fraudsters came up with a new way of deception of Russians 1 September
Refusal of Russians from bank cards by 2025 was predicted
Morgenstern put on a wedding dress with a garter at his own wedding
Great Britain will issue indefinite visas to Afghans with it
Gazprom predicted a new record for gas extraction
Calculate secret of attractiveness of voice
Zakharov answered Stoltenberg about Afghanistan Pushkin’s Plicent Citation
Action “Help to gather to school” was held on Baikonur
Deception of former President of Afghanistan before his escape from country
Sberbank: revealed plans about interest rates
Borrel declared victory of Taliban over West
Russia: change rules for accrual of children’s benefits
India has gathered to overtake everyone for growth of economy
Biden appealed to Nation in connection with conclusion of US troops from Afghanistan
Biden announced levers of influence on Taliban
Roscosmos and crew of ISS congratulate on day of knowledge
Biden accused Trump as needed to bring troops from Afghanistan
Biden opened cause of failure of war in Afghanistan
Biden explained US interest in Afghanistan
Biden threatened to terrorists in Afghanistan with new blows
Issue NGINX 1.21.2 and NJS 0.6.2
Biden announced completion of era of US attempts to “reroach” other countries
Biden stated US exit from Afghanistan “incredibly successful mission”
Available completely free version of Linux-libre 5.14 kernel
UN declared an impending humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan
In Russia, they banned state procurement of import laptops and microcircuits
UN Secretary General declared a humanitarian catastrophe of threatening sizes in Afghanistan
Star Town Schoolchildren won bronze at final stage of WorldSkills Russia Championship
UN thanked Russia for help in evacuation from Afghanistan
Pentagon denied reports of service dogs left in Afghanistan
China came up with new pressure measures on tehnogigants
With “fallen state” metallurgists to take taxes in a new way
Method of hacking AMD processors is described
Deported for prosecution of rape Afghan returned to US
Instagram deleted account of mother of deceased US soldier after attacks on Baiden
75 years A branch of Scientific and Production Center of Automation and Instrument-making – Zvezda plant
Taliban will not form a temporary government in Afghanistan
Vera Brezhnev revealed secret of his youth