Life News | Page 506

China will start paying for children
Vulnerability in Travis Ci, leading to leakage of keys of public repositories
Political scientist predicted convergence of Russia and China
Attached by Afghanistan, UN representative described life in country “hopelessness”
Way to eat right at work and schools
Blinken explained choice of United States in conclusion of troops from Afghanistan
US revealed a goal in relations with China
Russia mulling increased income tax
Biden called on rich to pay “honest taxes”
Trump said about disappearance of US over next three years
Early signs of dementia are
Tiktok users were offered to break into White House and Capitol through Tunnels
Apple threatened by court for sale of iPhone without charging
Google employees rebelled against unequal wages
Spanish scientists compared effectiveness of “satellite V”, Astrazeneca and Sinopharm
Release of open billing system ABILLS 0.91
Release HTTP Servers Apache 2.4.49 with elimination of vulnerabilities
Price of gold collapsed
Oil giant will begin to abandon oil
Largest producer of chips will compete for climate
Several missiles fell in Kabul
Russia and Egypt achieved an understanding of payments after terrorist attack over Sinai
Danger of dogs from pet stores
Russia and Pakistan agreed to continue working on Afghanistan
Metallurgists collapsed after decision of Ministry of Finance
“Island” will be first residential project with 5G networks in Russia
In US will reduce cost of F-35 flights
Lavrov called for Russians who are abroad to vote in elections to State Duma
Afghanistan: first meeting of government “Taliban”
Zakharova revealed scheme of interaction between Moscow with Taliban
In United States, estimated danger of “Rocket Train” of North Korea
Russia was concerned about penetration of terrorists from Afghanistan to neighboring countries
Clothes of chief hero “Brother” became a trend among young people
Finland to extend restrictions due to COVID-19 on border with Russia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation stated a document of European Parliament in Russia with a set of contrived accusations
Zakharova called on West to take basic expenses for restoration of Afghanistan
Loocosters have gotta in desire of passengers to save
Protection of chariot and sign appealed against sentence in Supreme Court
A smaller way is at work
Zakharova considered it impossible for West to cope with Afghan crisis without Russia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated Demark USA due to interference with Russian elections
Cost of replacing foreign aircraft by Russian
Belarus abolished visa for a number of countries
Estonian deputy of European Parliament condemned EU intervention in affairs of Russia
Taliban send humanitarian assistance in Panjscher
Germany: supply of new leopard 2a7v tanks began
Authorities decided not to collect money from Russian metallurgists
In United States announced uncertainty in issue of re-vaccination from COVID-19