Life News | Page 505

Russia: develop a superdobal rifle
In Russia, they appreciated possibility of turning Australia into a nuclear power
Taliban created “Police of Mravov” instead of Ministry of Women’s Affairs
New Zealand discovered a giant penguin
Belarus: compared Polish repatriation program with “subversive work”
Shares of “aircraft” soared before a major transaction
Oracle has removed restriction on use of JDK for commercial purposes
Nablovet agreed on appointment of K.N. Matveev Deputy General Director for Capital Construction
Pro-Russian ruling party lost to elections in Argentina
Crews MKS-66 supported perennial pre-flight traditions
Microsoft canceled passwords
Earthquake in China destroyed more than 200 tons of vodka
Effect of Australian “Black Summer” is estimated
Estonia allowed entrance to grafted “satellite V”
In State Duma, promised a quick limitation of loans
Disclosed a mystery of ancient mass migrations
Height correction of ISS orbit is scheduled for September 24
Central Bank sold “cured” bank to Kazakhstan
A new interface layout LibreOffice 8.0 with tab support
Ministry of Agriculture stated reason for changing prices of eggs and bird
Vietnam: Soviet and American gun crossed
In Guiana sent two rockets “Soyuz-ST”
Ruble retained positions to dollar and euros
Remotely operated vulnerability in OMI-Agent, imposed on Microsoft Azure Linux-environments
Tajikistan President warned about possibility of repeating terrorist attacks on September 11
Taikonaut returned from space
Largest nuclear powers agreed not to arrange battles on borders
Israel will install “Iron Dome” on ships
Russian Academy of Sciences revealed Peresild diet and Shipenko ISS
80 years old Efim Leonidovich Mezhiritsky
Anti-Russian policy of Lithuania explained by finding a large enemy
Appearance of aircraft on hydrogen
China called on United States to take responsibility for restoration of Afghanistan
Passivity stated cause of Russians in Baltic
Strikes forced largest transport company to raise salary
Proton-M carrier rocket is sent from Moscow to Baikonur
900-year-old cosmic mystery revealed
Nattered ways to solve “Russian question” in Baltic States
Russia has experienced a new missile defense system
Floyda Ex-Policeman who killed Floyda refused to recognize guilt in choke a teenager
Victory train in Tsiolkovsky
Head of Central Bank estimated likelihood of economic crisis
Reveal best diet for longevity
Unusual sign of vital vitamin deficit
Marketer explained danger of “discount hunting” in stores
Central Bank predicted fate of dollar
In Russia, they appreciated possibility of purchasing SU-75 for army
Head of Central Bank appreciated effect of vaccination to economy