Life News | Page 489

Russian government decided with changes in business taxes
Europe will pay billions of Euro fishermen
Leader of Bavarian Conservatives rated chances of chapter of SDPG to become Chancellor of Germany
Polish ministers were caught in Islamophobia for accusation of migrants in zoophilia
Belarus: planned a referendum on canceling death penalty
Russia predicted rise in fuel prices in fall
Special report from “Science” module
Lego has acquired a pandemic
Date of negotiations of Serbia and Kosovo revealed
China turned out to be on verge of crisis
Poland accused Belarusian border guards to use vulgar phrases
Three Polish regions will refuse to infringe rights of LGBT due to threats of European Union
On Baikonur began vacuum tests of Freightstock “Progress MS-18”
Lukashenko gave a month to refine amendments to Constitution
A threat to US solar energy
Appointed “Taliban” Rector of University in Kabul banned women to learn
Estimates effect of smoking on risk of death from COVID-19
Most US citizens refused to trust Biden’s information about Coronavirus
Putin announced growth of payments by military
Putin announced a new help to families with children
Putin promised Russians to raise pensions
Release Distribution Alt Workstation to 9.2
Former wife of a runling Russian banker wandered after eviction from mansion
Level of welfare of Russians is estimated
Capital of Afghanistan will remain without water
Ranking of richest people of world has changed leader
US Ambassador commented on plans to use Russian Bases
Truckers refused to help Britain in fight against crisis
On lawyer Clinton, made a case because of a lie about intervention of Russia in US elections
Kyrgyzstan: restricted smoking hookahs and cigarettes
Deadlines for approval of allied programs of Russia and Belarus
Reveal prototype titanium iPod
China called on NATO to stop expansion to Asia-Pacific region
Over USA hung threat of default
Pentagon leaders will appear before US Congress because of situation in Afghanistan
Former wife of a runling Russian banker revealed horrors of life with his spouse
Hong Kong declared recognition of Russian vaccination certificates from COVID-19
Lukashenko related changes to Belarusian Constitution with requirement of “change”
Taliban denied ban on shaving beard and stylish hairstyles
Keldysh Center employees awarded government awards
A group with increased risk of COVID-19 infection has been revealed
Lukashenko declared completion of preparation of draft new constitution
Taliban will restore action canceled 50 years ago monarchical constitution
Price of gas record took off
US will reduce supply F-35
Ruble retained positions to dollar 28 September
20 people were hospitalized in Sweden as a result of an explosion in a residential building
In lunar soil found “exotic” fragments