Life News | Page 151

Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo: NATO calls for “restraint” and says it is ready to intervene
GitHub published a report on locks for first half of 2022
Inhabitants of Mulhouse are launching a rassy bread valuation sector
Saudi Arabia: a student sentenced to 34 years in prison for tweets
United States: Tiktok strengthens controls on political content before mid-term elections
Remains of President Dos Santos soon given to his widow and repatriated in Angola
Turkey fully restores its diplomatic relations with Israel while recalling its support for “cause
Germany condemns words of Mahmoud Abbas comparing Israel’s policy in Palestinian territories
Uberpop: eight years after showdown, government aligns with Uber’s position
Former Minister Emmanuelle Wargon named at head of energy regulator despite opposition of a majority
Rain curtains and winds at 100 km/h: Paris feet in water during storm
Hackers linked to China suspected of piracy attempts against NGOs
Australia: Prime Minister accuses his predecessor of having “ransacked” democracy
Poland: 100 tonnes of dead fish in Oder river, an ecological disaster without explanation
Kenya: historic breakthrough of women during general elections
Mali: Russian security forces seen in Gao after withdrawal of French army
Vulnerability in devices based on SOC Realtek, which allows you to execute code through sending UDP package
Controversial stopover of a Chinese surveillance ship in Sri Lanka
Update Chrome 104.0.5112.101 with elimination of critical vulnerability
Issue Nuitka 1.0, compiler for Python
Poison ring of César Borgia, son of Pape and Assassin in name of father
Tax: When will your withdrawal rate change?
For musical festivals, a recovery strewn with pitfalls despite return of public
Defeat in Wyoming, Republican Liz Cheney promises to go “to end” to prevent a return
In west of United States, drought close to “point of no return”
Ukraine: Crimea, a new strategic war stake with Russia
Death of Wolfgang Petersen, director of “Endless History” and “Air Force One”
Syria: a Turkish strike is eleven dead in north of country
An attempt to capture Signal accounts through compromise Twilio SMS service
How I argued: “My family locks me in role of kid who succeeded and who deny his origins”
War in Ukraine: “Razoni” cargo has accosted in a port of Syria, a close ally of Moscow
Fires: twenty-six alleged pyromans have been arrested since start of summer
War in Ukraine: in Crimea, a Russian military base affected by a fire and an explosion
Death of Déwé Gorodey, “the poet Kanak who challenged colonial power to prison”
A year after Taliban’s return, do not abandon Afghan people
Kenya: Raila Odonga will continue “all legal options” after announcement of her defeat
Guatemala: a new authoritarian drift against press
Elections in Brazil: Facebook accused of letting advertisements containing false information
“Terror begins but does not end”: literary world reacts to attack suffered by Salman Rushdie
Berlin creates a gas tax to protect its energy system from bankruptcy
A Chinese research ship has arrived in Sri Lanka, India and United States fear activities
Attack on Rushdie: suspect Hadi Matar, an American-Lebanese obsessed with Iranian Revolution
“If we let Turkey invade Syrian Kurdistan, we can be sure of return of Islamic State”
Kabul: Taliban celebrate first anniversary of their return to power
Behind escalation around Taiwan, will of Xi Jinping of a “complete reunification” of China under
American rapper has $ ap rocky charged for a shooting
Mali: discreet withdrawal of French military operation “Barkhane”
Venezuela: start of military games with friends from Russia