Live india updates

Biden invited former rival to government
Nokia has released its first laptop
Electors in several American states decide on a new president
Student explained losing weight by 20 kilograms in five months
Rejected man kills a woman and her father after a failed date
Son received a surprise from his father who died six years ago and touched hundreds of people
Crocodile killed woman washing clothes in front of her mother
World economy was promised problems
Coronavirus hotbed after execution in prison
Everest’s real height named
Crocodile killed a farmer near a ritual facility for dead
Angry bear killed four people and injured three more
Indian authorities have commented on outbreak of an unknown disease
Grandson withdrew more than 270 thousand from grandmother’s account and spent them on online games
A farmer spent 200 on a piece of land and found a diamond worth six million there
Over 300 people contract unknown disease in India
Mayor of city in United States urged people to stay at home and went to rest in Mexico
India chastised Canadian prime minister for supporting protesting farmers
India remembers past to get rid of plastic
Dozens of children covered in hair after improper treatment
Wife’s quick wits saved her husband from an angry wild elephant
Tiger tore girl left alone on field
Animal lover rescued a stray cat and died
Nokia will release its first laptop
Man returned home after his own cremation
95-year-old woman fell into a seven-meter well and spent four hours in it
Secret of ancient rock carvings revealed
Woman lost 13 kilograms and shared secrets of success
In United States named invincible weapon of USSR
McDonald’s new burger saw an insult to an entire nation
Most dangerous cooking method revealed
Owners snatched puppy from mouth of python that was strangling him
India: Muslims banned from seducing girls to convert to Islam
Scientists marveled at vitality of coronavirus particles
A bear tore a woman to pieces in front of her husband who escaped from a tree
Trump Republican Senators Revealed
Woman lived for several months with her mother’s skeleton under a cot
Man contracted coronavirus for second time and went blind after being bitten by a cobra
Kazakh killed a wolf with his bare hands
Main fear of workers during a pandemic named
US breaks record for most deaths from coronavirus
Leopard tears farmer and his son to pieces
A lone tiger walks 3,000 km for love
Dollar was predicted to collapse due to vaccination against coronavirus
Asian countries create world’s largest trade union