Health News | Page 7

COVID-19: twenty-seven attempt to save European health pass
European country recognizes Iranian vaccine grounds for issuing a visa
Rare effects from RNA vaccines
Macron made inclusion of a vaccine from Covid-19 to list of mandatory
Harmful effects of health unemployment refurbished by a study
Determined overwhelming growth of cancer cells
Deliveries of Belarusian fertilizers forced Lithuanian minister to resign
COVID-19: preventive treatment for people with little receptive vaccines in France
Exports of Russian vaccines set a record
Omicron variant: WHO fears that rich countries accumulate vaccines at expense of poorer states
Promising cancer studies turned out to be non-refined
European Commission wants to make Deliverro’s deliverymen and Uber employees drivers
New specific leave to announcement of cancer or chronic illness in children
A method for early diagnosis of cough cancer
Large marketers began to be late with delivery of goods to customers
“Soyuz-2” rocket and head fairing were delivered to Baikonur
New equipment for vacuum installation delivered to Eastern
Olga Golodets presented to health care industry for Expo 2020
USA: dozens of children assured an overdue vaccine from Covid-19
COVID-19: third dose of vaccine would reduce risk of more than 85% infection
Unusual lung cancer symptoms
“Roskosmos” can deliver tens of tons to Jupiter
An error surgeon amputated to patient a healthy leg
In WHO explained new vaccine against background of situation with Omicron-strain
Claimed cancer nanoparticles with cytokines
COVID-19: Faced with aggravation of health situation, Germany running to mandatory vaccination
China promises Africa vaccines rather than funding
On Baikonur delivered a new batch of ONEWEB spacecraft
COVID-19 at school: a new health protocol, explosive screenings and rising impact
Vaccination of 5-11 years: high health authority templay
Court in United States demanded to cancel mandatory vaccination of health workers from COVID-19
Mintrost suggested extending payments to health workers for treating patients with COVID-19
Head of WHO encouraged to fight unequal access to vaccines
Main symptoms of COVID-19 at vaccinated
Unexpected secret of health and youth
German residents pledged from COVID-19 homemade vaccine
For healthy work “Four wheels”
A first home of bird influenza detected in north
With postponement of vaccine obligation to Guadeloupe, government tries to find an exit to conflict
Covid-19: at elementary school, health protocol will be relaxed to limit classes
Deadlines for action of state registration of vaccine “Satellite M”
To Guadeloupe and Martinique, reluctance to vaccine mingles with distrust of word of State
In WHO declared “shocking imbalance” with vaccines
Walking naked home turned out to be healthy
Violence in Guadeloupe: ARS denounces “physical aggressions of health professionals”
Covid-19 vaccine: perspective of a third dose is accurate
Uber will launch Drug delivery in Canada
Pfizer vaccine developers announced its 100% efficiency for children