Health News | Page 3

COVID-19: High Authority for Health gives its authorization to three vaccines adapted to Omicron variant
Quebec health system, an exception in North America, free but “asphyxiated”
Perinatal health: Public Health Agency France is sounding alarm
Gérard Collomb announces that he is suffering from stomach cancer
War in Ukraine: kyiv Press Berlin to accelerate arms deliveries
How fine particles trigger lung cancers in non-smokers
United Kingdom suspended from state of health of Queen Elizabeth II
Absenteeism: concern on mental health of employees
Malaria: results of a vaccine arouse hope of a massive deployment
Vladimir Putin threatens to no longer deliver either oil or gas if prices are capped by European Union
Positive or negative at covid without having been tested: imbroglio of data between Si-Dep and medical file
Brigitte Autran, president of new health risk anticipation committee
COVID-19: Moderna files a complaint against pfizer-biontech for patent violation concerning their vaccine
Back to school: health protocol put at level “base”, lowest
Variole of monkey: European Union placed its first orders groups of vaccines
Facebook and Instagram delete accounts of a powerful American anti-vaccine organization
A new vaccine, turning on polio eradication strategy?
Public health France estimates number of fatal accidents may be linked to heat wave of this summer
Resurgence of polio: vaccine, only absolute defense weapon
Malian junta accuses France of delivering arms and information to terrorist armed groups
United States: Joe Biden promulgates his vast plan on climate and health
“Six ex-health ministers have returned to twenty years of reform
Cuba: violent explosion of an oil depot runs health and economic risks
Postponement of second dose of vaccine against variole of monkey arouses controversy
Monkey’s smallpox epidemic becomes an emergency in public health in United States
Variole of monkey: delay between two doses of lying vaccine, except for immunocompromised people
How to choose your health insurance?
Russia suspends its gas deliveries to Latvia
Canada: Pope Francis’s “penitential pilgrimage” reveals his declining health
After covid-19, attendance of theaters, deemed too expensive, is down
Sweden: emergence of a two -speed health system
COVID-19: “end of exceptional plans” acted with adoption of health bill
Reduction of Russian gas deliveries: Westerners and Moscow are referring responsibility
Variole of monkey: European Union approves vaccine of Danish Bavarian Nordic
European Medicines Agency officially approves Imvansne vaccine against variole of monkey
COVID-19: presidential coalition and parliamentary right will be an agreement on health bill
Amazon buys a care network for 3.8 billion euros, thus expanding its activity in health
COVVI-9 vaccine: women who undergo menstrual disorders are invited to declare them
Spain opposes delivery of body of former Angolan president José Eduardo Dos Santos to family
Call for strike with deliverers of Just Eat, under threat of heat wave and a dismissal plan
Novavax vaccine could cause severe allergic reactions
Back to school: National Education adapts its health protocol
Dario and Asia Argento: “With health crisis, cinemas have emptied like churches”
Dismantling a network causing 7,000 false health passes
Health authorities confirm link between cancer and nitrites in cold cuts
COVID-19: EU recommends a second vaccine recall for those over 60
COVVI-19: Professional tennis divided on health management of pandemic
Pollution linked to 10% of cancer cases in Europe, according to a report