Live china updates

Thermonuclear reactor in China warmed up five times stronger than sun
Five security council countries undertake to prevent dissemination of nuclear weapon
Russia explained publication of statement of nuclear powers
Leaders of nuclear “five” opposed arms race
Astronomers discovered “black widow” using plasma lenzing
In UK accused Russia in Kiberatak
Zakharova declared intervention of UK in internal affairs of Russia
Muslims called on boycott of Olympiad in Beijing because of Uigurov
How obesity wins planet
A person between clandestinely in North Korea from South
Macron explained priorities of France during presidency of EU Council
Financier predicted fall of dollar
Ex-president of South Korea convicted for corruption was released
France “condemns” launch of an Iranian rocket in full “progress” on nuclear
Global energy crisis was explained by ineptive policies of West and China
Asia: birth of world’s largest free trade area
China promised to maintain international order with Russia
Germany wants to help France to make Europe “more sovereign”
Iran announces launch of a rocket in full talks on nuclear power
Threatened Russia Taxi has declined
China threatened to introduce sanctions against five prominent American figures
Japan will expand arsenal against background of Russia’s military activity at its shores
In US, they explained mysterious order for F-35
In United States stated their greatest advantage in war with Russia or China
Mask told about place for a billion satellites of Earth
China forbids tattoos to its footballers
Hong Kong: Washington condemns closure of prémocracy media “Stand News”
In China, they threatened with decisive measures in case of taiwan steps to independence
China will replace soldiers in Tibet robots
United States will invite Taiwan to largest military exercises in APR
One of last independent media in Hong Kong forced to close its doors
2021: 10 Falcon 9 missiles started 31 times
Mexico to stop exporting oil
Novak gave a forecast for Russia’s comfortable for Russia in 2022
Iranian nuclear: Washington sees “modest” progress in negotiations
Going to Asia ship with gas sharply changed course for sake of high prices in Europe
Lavrov listed like-minded people in Russia
Mysterious “Ghost Tank” caught in Indonesia
Xinjiang leader leaves his position after five years of repression against hears
In China, they supported words of Lavrova on unacceptability of dominance of West
Russia has become one of world leaders in export of vaccine from Covid-19
Metapes: Baidu launches its application of virtual parallel world
China: developed a digital prosecutor
Climate: In 2021, ever more expensive disasters, according to an NGO
China: number of infection with Covid-19 has been fixed in China
In Russia, they remembered reset bombs with IL-76
Falcon 9 stage made a hundredth landing
Iran has revealed plans for uranium enrichment