Business News | Page 16

Oil price jumped
Home Europe economy showed record growth
UK decided to hit Huawei and its companies
US prepares to strike again at China
Europe predicted problems due to debt
Apple top manager caught in bribe
Second wave of coronavirus weakened European economy
Top winners and losers of coronavirus vaccine announced
Dollar fell to its lowest since 2018
Europe was promised “many years of pain”
Rosneft has improved computer modeling technologies
Efficacy of Oxford coronavirus Vaccine Revealed
United States predicted loss of leadership in oil market for first time in history
Rosatom will multiply revenue from new projects by 2030
Rosatom will start processing mercury in Usolye-Sibirskoye in 2022
Bitcoin exchange rate broke a new record
Rosatom’s revenue in new businesses overtook traditional sector
Poorest countries were allowed not to pay their debts
Europe turned out to be “critically dependent” on China
Main fear of workers during a pandemic named
Kazakhstan urged to monitor National Bank after ban on buying dollars
Best vodka named
Reclusive billionaire profits from pandemic
A US company wants to replace chicken eggs around world with artificial ones
Civil war foiled “economic miracle” in Africa
Named a way for US to enter “Chinese” trade union
France declared war on company of richest man in world
Richest man in world spent millions of dollars to protect nature
Chinese love of luxury seen to save Europe
Huawei announced sale of Honor smartphone brand
US safety agency expands probe after massive complaints by Tesla owners
Dollar was predicted to collapse due to vaccination against coronavirus
Home Europe’s economy faces new challenges
Largest oil company in world is going to borrow money
Beeline made Internet in metro free
UK to ban fossil fuel car sales
Russians began to ask collectors for help more often
Russians did not cut wages during coronavirus
United States named reason for Turkey’s purchase of Russian S-400
Scientists have discovered a natural product that kills coronavirus
Demand for medicines has grown 15 times in Russia
Asian countries create world’s largest trade union
Full spec of the most expensive iPhone revealed
First PlayStation 5 bug reported