Live News Timeline | Page 998

British justice refuses extradition of Julian Assange to United States
A record of discussion in Belarusian KGB of murder of Pavel Sheremet has appeared
Russian regions covered with “anticyclone”
US refused to extradite Assange
Governor of Transbaikalia was hospitalized with coronavirus
Bitcoin price collapsed
Operation “Barkhane” again shaken by attacks
Scope of possible indexation of pensions of working pensioners
China calls US version of origin of coronavirus a lie
Recovered from COVID-19 explained rare frightening symptoms
Biden’s advisor announced plans to negotiate with Russia
Putin instructed to issue a document to those vaccinated against coronavirus to travel abroad
Doctor in Greece admitted to intensive care after being vaccinated with Pfizer for COVID-19
Russian market has updated its historical maximum
Lukashenko calls coronavirus a geopolitical problem
Petersburg for first time bypassed Moscow in number of new cases of coronavirus
Ruble showed steady growth against dollar and euro
Russia: 482 patients with COVID-19 died in a day
23 351 new cases of coronavirus infection detected in Russia
Bars and restaurants resumed in St. Petersburg
Novak allowed start of supplies of petroleum products to Belarus through Russia
Novak said he was confident in implementation of Nord Stream 2 with EU support
Searches for sailors from a ship sunk in Barents Sea have been stopped
Handcuffed Ukrainian woman found dead in Turkey
Malaysia: criminal trail ruled out in death of Franco-Irish Nora Quoirin
About 60% of satellites are under control of Space Forces
Most unusual alarming calls on New Year holidays
Psychologists assessed impact of cats on work of owners at a distance
Covid-19 around world: state of emergency considered in Tokyo, limited gatherings in South Korea
US military urged not to get involved in election disputes
An online database of persistent traffic offenders will appear in Russia
Russians traveling abroad owe more than 1.6 trillion
Russian doctor predicted timing of improvement of situation with coronavirus in world
Trump accused of abuse of power
Milonov commented on case of pasta sold in temple instead of candles
White House announced Trump’s “victory” speech
Scientists have found a link between timing of sex and longevity of men
Number of cases of coronavirus infection in world exceeded 85 million
Russians were told about correct use of masks in winter
Russians have listed ways to protect against calls from scammers
Infectionist denies Trump’s words about highly exaggerated data on COVID-19
Shooting in Bordeaux is “part of an escalation of tensions between neighborhoods”
Trump called data on COVID-19 in United States grossly exaggerated
“I just want to find 11,780 votes”: when Trump harasses Georgia election official
Russians were promised a “mild winter option”
Syria clarified information on terrorist attack on bus
Nancy Pelosi leads US House of Representatives for fourth time
Nutritionist named a way not to get better after holidays