Live News Timeline | Page 996

Ukraine split to west and east because of Santa Claus
Peskov called Putin a good man
Peskov described Putin’s criticism with words “I don’t want to live right away”
Ambassador of Netherlands explained huge difference between Ukraine and Russia
Government approves a relaxation of rules of telework from January 7
Covid-19: teleworking remains privileged in France, but will be relaxed from Thursday
Peskov assessed risks of a new world war
Former employee of KGB of Belarus agreed to testify in Sheremet case
Size of maximum unemployment benefit for 2021 has been determined
Russians were told about danger of pickles
Pentagon will look for ways to prepare for battles in city
Council of State authorizes expansion of police files
Dobkin to compete for post of mayor of Kharkov after death of Kernes
Chrome will start using HTTPS by default
Amnesty of loans offered in Russia
Tcl / Tk 8.6.11 Release
Russia: 518 patients with coronavirus died per day
24,246 new cases of coronavirus infection detected in Russia
Russian infectious disease specialist explained future of coronavirus
“Divided America” Called Top Risk of 2021
Extended vaccination before end of month to over 75s who do not reside in nursing homes, announces Olivier Véran
Iran has enriched uranium to 20 percent
Assange and Snowden nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Qt Company has restricted access to source code of LTS branch of Qt 5.15
US deployed drone attack squadron to Romania
Trump pledged to win eight lost states
Prosecutor General’s Office announced attempts to increase food prices
Best currency to invest in 2021
Russians named main fears in 2021
Psychologist named a way to avoid conflicts during New Year holidays
Lice remedy appears to reduce risk of hospitalization with coronavirus
Russian bribe-takers accumulated billions of in debts
2021, a crucial year to accelerate fight against climate change
France: slowness of vaccination endangers economic recovery
Russians were promised springtime
Girl dies from overtime at 23
Biden complained about Trump’s work
Possible “portals” to distant regions of Universe have been found in space
Alimony debts of Russians calculated
Iran announces serious violation of nuclear deal
Expert predicted term for replacing workers with robots
Nutritionist named medicinal properties of pomegranate
Sexologist described consequences of COVID-19 for intimate life
Dentist warned of harmful effects of alcohol on teeth
Miss Virginia 1958, Died Due To Coronavirus, Comes To Life
Nutritionist gave advice on how to lose weight gained during holidays
State Duma revealed rules for calculating salaries for state employees
“The coming weeks will be hardest”: overwhelmed by pandemic, Scotland and England are completely reconfigured