Live News Timeline | Page 991

Fate of Capitol police officer who shot at woman-veteran is revealed
WhatsApp reviews its terms of use on sharing user data with Facebook
Number of people arrested after storming of Capitol is
Doctors admit possibility of need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 every six months
Bitcoin price breaks record again
Avian flu: epizootic is “out of control” in South West
Washington mayor calls storming of Capitol terrorism
Trump was prepared to impeach
Mother of Sergei Skripal died
Russian hacker extradited to USA sentenced to 12 years in prison
FBI asked Americans to find participants in storming of Capitol
Elon Musk received title of richest man in world
Gorbachev announced threat to United States because of riots in Washington
Donald Trump supporters burst into Capitol Hill: “It’s a huge failure of American police force”
Trump’s Russia adviser resigns
Elon Musk approached title of richest man in world
Twitter did not tell about Trump’s blocking time
PeerTube 3.0 Platform Release with Decentralized Streaming Support
A pioneer in Latin America, Mexico bans genetically modified corn and glyphosate
Trump pledges orderly transfer of power to Biden
Denmark called timing of resumption of work on “Nord Stream-2”
Zelenskiy calls riots in Washington unprecedented violence
Scientists have found signs of a chronic disease in coronavirus
Ukrainian police started checking rumors about clandestine VIP vaccinations
Space Forces conducted more than 500 thousand sessions of spacecraft control
Virologist named ideal time for vaccination against coronavirus
Russian Foreign Ministry responded to storming of US Capitol
WHO assessed spread of a new strain of coronavirus in Europe
New arrests after New Year’s rave party in Brittany
Lukashenka threatened Belarusians with loss of everything
Iraqi court issues arrest warrant for Trump
Details of preparations for Putin’s visit to Damascus disclosed
Performance of finalists of competition for young musicians “Constellation” has been announced
Joe Biden confirmed after day of chaos
Putin assured of FSB’s ability to protect Russia from threats from Syria
Nutritionists have named danger of popular winter drinks
Violence on Capitol: a day of shame in United States
Rospotrebnadzor announced stabilization of situation with coronavirus in Russia
Shoigu compared Putin’s visit to Damascus with “a thriller worse than Hollywood”
Trump’s reaction to Biden’s approval by president revealed
US Congress approved election of Biden as president amid riots
23 541 new cases of coronavirus infection detected in Russia per day
Ukrainian nationalist said about demoralized military
Putin addressed Russians at Christmas
Release of OpenZFS 2.0.1, ZFS implementation for Linux and FreeBSD
Woman shot dead on Capitol Hill succumbed to police shooting
Cancer-Preventing Drink Revealed
Senate having tipped into Democratic camp, Joe Biden finds himself free