Live News Timeline | Page 977

Tails distribution will switch to Wayland
LG showed transparent TV
Trump first appears in public after storming of Capitol and blocking of social networks
Revelation about relationship between Trump and Pence after storming of Capitol
Expected successor to mayor of Yakutsk says ready to participate in elections
Political scientist claims unrestricted power of Kim Jong-un after being elected Secretary General
Number of cases of domestic terrorism in United States after storming of Capitol is disclosed
Administration of Yakutsk told about state of health of resigned mayor
Scenarios of spread of coronavirus in Russia after New Year revealed
New post of mayor of Yakutsk revealed after resignation
Gorbachev offered to sign a statement against nuclear war under Biden
Press secretary of mayor of Yakutsk revealed reason for her resignation
Doctor declared danger of habitual morning actions
Pelosi called Trump Putin’s handmaiden
Winner of presidential elections in Kyrgyzstan was announced
Head of Yakutia commented on resignation of mayor of Yakutsk
An infectious disease specialist revealed only way to defeat coronavirus
Scientists have established a link between dog breeds and chances of their owners to find a mate
US Vice President to Call to Remove Trump from Power
Russian psychiatrists have named cause of holiday depression
Coronavirus forecast presented in Russia after New Year holidays
Russians were named a way to get rid of advertising calls
Scientists have found an enzyme that affects spread of COVID-19 in human body
Nutritionist reveals recipe for “health sandwich” for prevention of COVID-19
UN named an obstacle to a ceasefire around world
Lukashenka reveals his attitude to nickname “dad”
Scientist assesses danger of a new strain of COVID-19 discovered in Russia
CPC – “forge” personnel for space
Trump’s associates speak out about his participation in elections in 2024
Russian doctor warns of mental disorders due to COVID-19
Bitcoin price collapsed
Bush Sr.’s sister dies after contracting coronavirus
Pelosi says Trump can’t run again in case of impeachment
Pushkov announced a threat to Russian sovereignty
More than one and a half million people were vaccinated with “Sputnik V”
Lukashenka said about alcohol intolerance
Leader in presidential elections named in Kyrgyzstan
First results of parliamentary elections summed up in Kazakhstan
Lukashenka explained purpose of meeting with oppositionists in jail
Leading countries named by number of vaccinated against COVID-19
An infectious disease specialist named two only ways to fight coronavirus
Psychologist reveals a way to avoid longing after holidays
Rospotrebnadzor assessed current situation with COVID-19 in Russia
UN Secretary General accused rich countries of “vaccine nationalism”
Onishchenko revealed rules for preparing for beginning of working week after New Year
UN has compared this year with 1945
First case of infection with “British” strain of coronavirus detected in Russia
Factor that doubles risk of death from coronavirus