Live News Timeline | Page 932

Russians explained impossibility of distributing money just like that
SME Corporation and Russian-German Chamber of Commerce will expand their work
CEO of company that provoked war between China and Jack Ma resigns
Gazprom Neft with partners will support residents of Energotekhnokhab Petersburg
Criteria for selection of Russian rich people for VIP tax inspection
State Duma assessed new rules for payments for children
One of most wanted bosses of European mafia has been detained
Meghan Markle reveals truth about her quarrel with Kate Middleton over her daughter’s dress
Head of “National Association” of France explained loan in Russia
An effective anti-allergy substance has been found
Teenager quarreled with teacher and to stab him
Attitude of men to four-day for women
US states NATO’s worst “Russian” nightmare
Reasons for growth in price of gasoline at filling stations
A program for development of managerial competencies of young design engineers has started at Energomash
WHO told about benefits and harms of AstraZeneca vaccine
Disgraced Alibaba Founder’s China Flights Revealed
Russians were told conditions for appointment of payments for children
In Russia, they talked about possibility of sending a US Navy destroyer to bottom of Black Sea
Waitress quit her job for social media fame
Price of gasoline in Russia has broken a historical record
Former bank of Russian billionaire lost its license
Belgium defending Baltics from Russia will be saved by Netherlands
Rates on consumer loans in Russia decreased to 5 percent per annum
McDonald’s will provide grants to Russian farmers
Kadyrov’s critic reveals details of his brother’s assassination attempt
ISS-65 crews passed manual controlled descent exam
Criticism of Microsoft after removing prototype Microsoft Exchange exploit from GitHub
Arrested Telegram channel administrator goes on hunger strike in Belarus
Central Bank revoked license of another bank
A series of standards has been approved that regulate work with electronic technical documentation
OPEC explained future of oil
72-year-old pensioner is most tattooed person in Germany
Mercedes relied on Chinese batteries and failed
Details of ancient massacre in Croatia revealed
Biden Signs Nearly $ 2 Trillion Economy Rescue Executive Order
AstraZeneca to cut supply of vaccine doses to Europe by a quarter
New Feature Added to Women’s Sports Tops
Russia wants to stop paying child benefits to suspiciously poor families
Strawberries saved a Japanese city
Chinese authorities set Alibaba’s largest fine in country’s history
United States announced condition for introduction of new sanctions on Nord Stream-2
Nabiullina discussed issue of new coins and banknotes
Pancakes have risen in price in Russia
Nabiullina was vaccinated against Covid-19
Head of Ministry of Health of Slovakia was dismissed due to position on “Sputnik V”
American “killer” of Russian S-400 will penetrate deep into enemy territory
US school stopped calling Newton’s laws by his name because of color of his skin