Live News Timeline | Page 120

Japan Cyberpatrol Introduces Japio to Prevent Crimes
1032 Bitcoin Proceeds Go to Russian State Budget
Rhino Linux 2023.3 Released
Snap Store Implements Manual Reviews to Safeguard Users
Cyberspions Expose Secrets via Camera’s Movable Elements
Veracrypt 1.26 Replaces TrueCrypt for Disk Sections Encryption
Apache NIFI Error: Hackers Control Database
Lover of Virtual Children Condemned in Korea for Technologies Against Innocence
British Aircraft Revolutionizes Spy Missions
Quantum Engine Utilizes Bosons and Enzymes, Operates Heat-Free
Leading Theory Dismisses Consciousness as Pseudoscience
SpaceX Explores Secrets of Asteroid Psyche
Auto-CPUFREQ Power Optimizer Released
SBCL 2.3.9 Released for Common Lisp Implementation
Ubuntu Snap Store Finds Harmful Packages
Search for Connection Between Two of Most Exciting Phenomena of Universe Not Yet Successful
Solar Airship Prepares for Round-the-World Trip sans Fuel
Acceptance of Complexity: Main Test of Modern Software
Marvin Targets RSA Decryption with Measurement Attack
Pentagon Robots Ready for Battle: Global Reaction to New Arms Race
Millions of EXIM Servers Vulnerable to RCE Zero-day Attacks
Wine 8.17 and Wine Staging 8.17 Released
New Laws on Personal Data Reinforce VS Privacy, Cause Business Anxiety
Why Ordinary Consumers Need Post-Quantum Cryptography
Chinese Trace in US State Department Post: Uncovered Details
Naval Mussels Aid in Heart Patch Adhesion
Apple to Develop Sensory Clothes for Gadget Management
DuckDB 0.9.0 Launches with SQLite Option for Analytical Queries
US EATS Delivery Robots Serve as US Police’s Hidden Eyes
Ants Inspire Robots for Reliable Agriculture
Ocean Energy: DARPA Develops Valnoper for Continuous Intelligence
Raspberry Pi 5: Power Comparison with Raspberry Pi 4
Multiple Extortionists May Hijack Networks in 48 Hours
Scientists Create Light and Durable Material from DNA and Glass
Hacker from Tula to Pay 80K for Cyber Crimes
Tiny Robot with Sun Power Tracks Soil Moisture, Detects Gas Leaks
Window Replacement Mode Now Available in Cosmic User Environment
Lg Masters Confidently Step Towards 6G Future
Richard Stalman Diagnosed with Malignant Tumor
Progress Software Faces New Crisis After Moveit Storm
Red Hat Switches to Jira for Error Tracking
Cisco Vulnerability Exposes Laughable Risks for Hackers
Vatican Concerned as Autonomous Weapons Develop
Raspberry Pi 5 Unveiled
Budworm Strikes Telecom Firm in Middle East
Quantum Foam Reveals Time’s Secrets
Extortionists Target Small Organizations: Time to Close Their IP?
Rostec Takes Lead: Leonardo Reservation System Targeted by Foreign DDOS Attacks