Live News Timeline | Page 1057

Aleksievich urged Belarusian authorities to stop “mass repressions”
Golden Retriever ran away from its owner and lived in forest for a year
Windows PC acceleration rules revealed
Trump’s daughter saw hatred of Jews in her friend’s jewelry and was offended
Schoolgirl rescues her two-year-old nephew from a car in flames
Pfizer claims 95% effective vaccine
An abnormal case of coronavirus in children was recorded
Spain refused to apologize to Mexico for its conquest 500 years ago
Madonna showed a scar under a dress after surgery
A note from Cuba written during a deadly hurricane was found in USA
Vacationers scared by headless dummy call an ambulance
A lone tiger walks 3,000 km for love
Sea otter caught a shark in front of photographers
Harm of metal cases for smartphones is called
Rescue method from climate catastrophe recognized as useless
Former youngest billionaire starred in top against background of a luxury car
Year-old girl saved her family from being killed in
F-16 missing in Taiwan
United States explained plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and Iraq
Man did not find right product in store and became very rich
Student dyed her hair and woke up with a head in shape of a soccer ball
Ukraine outlines how it can join NATO
Pennsylvania Court Rejects Trump Observer Claim
An eight-year-old girl fell into a 15-meter well and spent 45 minutes there
Britney Spears starred aboard a luxury plane in mini shorts in honor of 39th anniversary
Three soldiers killed after Israel’s missile strike on Syria
COVID-19 Patient Tells Relatives “I’m Not So Bad” And Dies
WHO reveals record growth in coronavirus infections
A US company wants to replace chicken eggs around world with artificial ones
Plus-size model breastfeeds her baby again on camera
Determined best sleep duration for longevity
Italian virologist predicted peak of spread of coronavirus
Civil war foiled “economic miracle” in Africa
Ukraine’s fight against coronavirus compared with plantain treatment
One and a half meters long prehistoric fish washed ashore
Doctors find unusual signs of lung cancer
Found a way to solve mystery of universe that caused crisis
Bill Gates compared to nudists who refuse to wear masks
Turkey imposed curfew due to coronavirus
Thailand moves closer to allowing abortion
Kate Middleton copied her husband’s mother’s outfit again
Embassy of Belarus thrown with potatoes in Lithuania
Woman lost 38 kilograms thanks to one photo
Next Windows update damaged computers
49-year-old TV presenter surprised fans with underwear under her clothes
Named a way for US to enter “Chinese” trade union
Corpse refrigerators are being used in Texas due to overcrowded morgues
Prada bags for hundreds of thousands of rubles were mistakenly priced at 1,400 rubles