Live News Timeline | Page 1004

Russians are going to postpone for a rainy day
Alarming symptom of lung cancer revealed
Former mayor of Kharkiv calls US embassy real power in Ukraine
Argentine President Explains Criticism Of Russian Coronavirus Vaccine
Homeless dog rescues abandoned newborn baby
2020: 50 journalists were killed around world, majority in countries at peace
Russians will be offered an easy way to leave bank
Ukrainian court arrested property of leader of “Party of Hungarians”
Japan secretly helped West press China
In Russia armed with missiles firing “almost to Bosphorus”
Onishchenko explained emergence of covid dissidents in government
Psychologists dispel popular myth about New Years celebration
Russians named most popular professions during New Year holidays
Best crab sticks are
A kind stranger gave a woman with two children 11 thousand
Ukraine canceled preferential electricity tariff for population
Officials’ salary growth in 2019 revealed
Argentina: very divided, Senate decides on legalization of abortion
Jennifer Aniston showed her body and revealed secret of thinness at age of 51
Russian monetary transactions will come under control of authorities from New Year
Russians will be paid early part of pensions for January
Feminist activist Loujaïne Al-Hathloul sentenced in Saudi Arabia
Woman gave birth to her own sister
Future of oil prices is predicted
WHO head warns of new challenges in 2021 due to pandemic
Mourning swan stopped dozens of trains for almost an hour
First case of a new “South African” strain of coronavirus detected in Japan
A woman who recovered from COVID-19 lost weight due to smell of rot from all food
Pentagon denies Biden’s words about obstacles to transfer of power
UN Secretary General urged to devote 2021 to healing
United States: a snub for Donald Trump on defense budget
House of Representatives overrides Trump’s veto on defense budget
Most beautiful woman in world licked snow from window and disgusted fans
Russians will be able to choose a Covid-19 vaccine
Russian experts talked about increase in number of dangerous natural phenomena
Russian cosmonaut opened New Year’s table menu on ISS
Russians were told about new rules for sale of tobacco heating systems
US Congress approved idea of giving out two thousand dollars to Americans
Maduro announced plans of Colombia to attack Venezuela
Biden warned of “strategic difficulties” from Russia
Son found father after 11 years of separation thanks to one photo
Biden urged to respond to “challenges” from Russia and China
49-year-old presenter starred in a dress with a corset and a high slit for Christmas
Russians were reminded of increase in salaries in 2021
Guinness World Records Russian sumo wrestler dies at 21
Biden pledges to lift Trump’s restrictions on migrants
Infectionist predicted worst months of a pandemic in US
PSG beaten in semi-final of Handball Champions League