Vacationers scared by headless dummy call an ambulance

A mannequin resembling a decapitated man was found on a beach in the US state of Florida. Frightened vacationers did not immediately understand what was the matter, and called an ambulance, UPI reports.

On the Ocean Hour beach cleanup page at Facebook said that one of the witnesses of the incident was a volunteer. Looking closely at the “corpse”, he realized that in front of him was a mannequin, which spent a lot of time in the water before being washed ashore. “We are glad that this is not a real body,” the press service noted.

Earlier it was reported that in the English city of Swindon hooligans stole dummies, climbed in a cafe and placed them in the poses of the Kama Sutra. Photos of the showcase circulated on social media, after which the establishment was dubbed “Swindon’s first retail sex club.”
