Today, December 28, 2020, marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Aleksandrovich Mozzhorin, an outstanding figure in the field of rocket and space technology, who headed for three decades (1961-1990) NII-88 / TsNIIMash, the leading institute of the rocket and space industry (today is part of the State Corporation “Roscosmos”). TsNIIMash acquired this status, first of all, thanks to the fruitful work of Yuri Alexandrovich. On Monday, a memorable meeting was held with the participation of the management of the institute, employees and veterans of the enterprise. During the event, flowers were laid at the memorial plaque installed on the territory of TsNIIMash. Representatives of the trade union committee and the veteran community visited the monument to Yu.A. Mozzhorin on the square named in his honor in Korolev, and honored the memory of the scientist at his grave at the Troekurov cemetery.
Yuri Alexandrovich was born on December 28, 1920 in the village of Orekhovo near Moscow into the family of a railway employee. After graduating with honors from school, in 1938 he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, dreaming of specialization in aerodynamics. Two years later, he moved to the Moscow Aviation Technological Institute (MATI), where the best students were selected from the MAI and a number of other universities. Like many other students of MATI, on the second day of the Great Patriotic War, he volunteered for the front and was enlisted as a fighter in a rifle regiment on the Western Front. In August 1941, he was seriously wounded near Vyazma and sent for treatment to the Ulyanovsk hospital, and after being cured he returned to the active army. He was sent to the communications school of the armored forces, but soon an almost finished aviation engineer was transferred to the laboratory of the latest technology of the N.E. Zhukovsky and took additional training courses for specialists in experimental aerodynamics, in 1945 he received a diploma with honors as a military mechanical engineer.