Roskachestvo conducted a study (available at “” ) crab sticks, according to the results of which they named the best. Samples of seven brands took part in it: “Vici Priority”, “Meridian”, “Santa Bremor”, “Every Day”, “Red Price”, “Russian Sea” and Aro.
Experts checked the samples for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, toxic elements and preservatives, as well as examined organoleptic properties and compliance with labeling requirements.
All samples participating in the study comply with the requirements of the legislation and GOST. At the same time, Vici Priority sticks also meet the advanced requirements of Roskachestvo and can apply for the Russian quality mark.
Experts also estimated the content of protein, starch, preservatives, dyes, salt and soy in the samples. The best results were shown by “Vici Priority” (4.75 points out of five) and “Meridian” (4.7). Also in the top five were “Santa Bremor” (4.2 points), “Every day” and “Red price” (4.15 points each). The last place was taken by Aro crab sticks with a score of 3.55 points.