Fishermen, survivors of the Onega ship wreck in the Barents Sea, spoke about what happened on board before the emergency reports Telegram -channel “112” citing the survivors. The channel does not specify their names, but, probably, they are talking about the rescued Vladislav Butorin and Ruslan Katyukhin.
According to the men, in the process of working with tackle for industrial fishing, the ship heeled slightly. Freezing ice and a heavy storm caused the ship to lose stability and capsize. The people on the deck were in freezing water.
“The boats did not have time to lower. Most of the crew, probably, could not even grab the life jackets. The sailors quickly lost each other in the raging water,” the fishermen are quoted as saying.
Butorin and Katyukhin kept together with the sailor to the last Yuri Shevtsov , but all three were quickly exhausted, Shvetsov went to the bottom and died. Men do not know about the fate of the rest. According to one version, several people could remain on board and drown along with the ship.
According to data Ministry of Emergencies , the wave height reached four meters in the area of the crash. In the weather center “Phobos” clarified that the hurricane wind rose up to 32 meters per second.
The ship “Onega” sank in the Barents Sea near Novaya Zemlya. There were 19 people on board, one was killed, two were rescued. The rest of the crew are being searched.