Members of La République en Marche are indignant at the lunch which brought together Bruno Roger-Petit and Marion Maréchal, while on the left we are ironic about the porosity of a government wanting to be a “rampart” in the ‘extreme right.
A close advisor to Emmanuel Macron having lunch with Marion Maréchal, hope of the French extreme right, just a few months ago? As soon as the news was published on, Sunday, it caused confusion, even indignation in the ranks of the majority and beyond. If, on the left, some are already calling for the departure of Bruno Roger-Petit for this interview seen as contrary to republican principles, the Elysee, for the time being, remains silent. On the right, where reconciliations with the director of the Institute of Social, Economic and Political Sciences have already caused controversy, the reactions are more measured.
In the majority, it is a walker of the first hour which first castigated this meeting. “There are people that we do not” probe “” in a personal capacity “, we fight them collectively. Marion Maréchal and all her clique are clearly part of it”, decided in a Tweet Astrid Panosyan, co-founder and treasurer On the march! “Incomprehensible, this lunch. A fault!”, Abounds the ex-senator Bariza Khiari, member of the management of The Republic in progress (LRM).
The LRM vice-president of the National Assembly, Hugues Renson, for his part split a reminder: “With the extreme right, we do not discuss, we does not compromise. We fight it. “A message shared by the LRM deputy of Dear François Cormier-Bouligeon who listed, for the memory adviser Bruno Roger-Petit, some key names” to help remember this what is the extreme French right: Le Pen father, daughter, niece, Tixier-Vignancour, Pétain, Laval, Maurras, Barrès, Déroulède “. The LRM deputy of the Loire Jean-Michel Mis deplores for his part a “fault”, considers that “there is nothing that one does” in a personal capacity “when one has the chance to hold an eminent function in the first circle of power “.
” Failed. Everyone knows “
In the left opposition, the deputy La France rebellious Alexis Corbière quipped:” Macronism , facing the far right, a rampart? No, a date … “, while her colleague Clémentine Autain added:” A rampart? Rather a sieve. “In the ranks of the Socialist Party, the former Minister of Culture Aurélie Filippetti judges that if Bruno Roger-Petit is not dismissed immediately, “it is because the alleged” new “world is in the process of tipping towards the very very rancid”. “Macron invites himself to the extreme right, supposedly discreetly. Failed. Everyone knows it,” said Senator Europe Ecology-The Greens Esther Benbassa.
On the right, where a lunch bringing together elected officials The Republicans and the niece of Jean-Marie Le Pen had caused a lot of ink to flow in the summer of 2019, the reactions are more scattered. Bruno Roger-Petit himself has also justified the meeting by comparing it to that organized between the president of Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand, and the polemicist Eric Zemmour. The Parisian elected Marie-Claire Carrère-Gée believes that “a President of the Republic should not do that”, before adding: “But when your motto is” at the same time “, everything becomes possible.” A criticism which is not shared by all. Thus, the deputy Les Républicains du Vaucluse Julien Aubert, himself on a right-handed line, is surprised: “The dinner police in town are back? We have lunch with whoever we want!”