Vlad Lisovets with makeup and an earring with rhinestones voiced his request to Santa Claus

Russian stylist Vlad Lisovets has published festive photographs of him in makeup and jewelry. A series of frames appeared in his Instagram -account.

In the pictures, the stylist poses in a black shirt and a beige suit with slicked-back hair at the Christmas tree. His look is complemented by a long mono-earring with rhinestones and eye-catching eyeliner.

In the description for the publication, Lisovets voiced his wish for Santa Claus. “Dear Santa Claus, make sure that in 21 in Russia, black and white photos with one earring get the same number of likes as color photos with a lush mouth and kitties with a full set of shiny jewelry,” he asked.

Fans have expressed their admiration for the celebrity in the comments below the post, which has received over 13,000 likes. “Can you put the first photo on the phone screen? Santa Claus, it’s incredibly beautiful!”, “In the second photo you look like Johnny Depp”, “And I wish all these Russian” celebrities “to learn the style from Vladislav, otherwise this some kind of trash “,” Let all your photos collect a lot of likes, and this will not make you a fashion blogger, well, at least, the same as everyone else. Be yourself, please, “they wished.

Earlier, Vlad Lisovets expressed dissatisfaction with the main colors of 2021 – yellow and gray, selected by the Pantone Research Institute. In his opinion, choosing two colors and focusing on them throughout the year is stupid and impractical, since the mood is very changeable.
