Ministry of Defense showed Orion drone in shock version

The Russian Ministry of Defense first showed the Orion drone in an attack version. The calendar for 2021 with samples of modern Russian weapons is published at website department.

In particular, the picture shows a version of the drone, created as part of the “Paceman” development work, in desert camouflage and suspended KAB-20 adjustable bombs. As noted by Zvezda TV channel , the shells weigh 21 kilograms, high-explosive fragmentation part has a mass of seven kilograms. In addition, they are equipped with satellite and laser homing systems and are designed to defeat lightly armored vehicles and enemy personnel.

In addition to Orion, the calendar also shows photos of the fifth generation Su-57 fighter, the Hunter heavy attack drone and other modern military equipment.

“Orion” is the first Russian unmanned aerial vehicle of the MALE class (long-duration medium-altitude vehicle). In the global market, its competitors are the American Predator, Israeli Heron and a number of Chinese systems.
