Non-obvious sign of lung cancer

Lumps or swollen areas in the armpit may indicate the presence of lung cancer, according to Cancer Research UK. The newspaper Express writes about it.

It was indicated there that such non-obvious manifestations, especially in the armpits or on the neck, may indicate that the disease has affected the lymph nodes. At the same time, the organization stressed that they can increase in case of infectious diseases.

Less common symptoms of lung cancer also include thickening of the end phalanges of the fingers, difficulty swallowing or pain when swallowing, as well as hoarseness, swelling of the neck or face, and persistent pain in the chest and shoulders.

Earlier, specialists from America’s Cancer Treatment Centers revealed alarming symptoms of possible lung cancer, that affect the eyes. Non-small cell lung cancer often starts in the bronchi and then spreads to other parts of the body and damages nerves. Thus, cancer can cause Horner’s syndrome, which affects the sympathetic nervous system and manifests itself as drooping of the upper eyelid, constriction of the pupil, drooping of the eyeball, as well as the absence of perspiration on the affected side of the face.
