The state, which currently owns 84% of the shipbuilding company, is set to take over. The agreement drawn up with the Italian giant Fincantieri comes up against the rebellion of local elected officials and employees.
Y aura- Will there be a change of shareholder at the helm of Chantiers de l’Atlantique, the flagship of the shipbuilding industry employing 3,300 people in Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), at the end of Thursday, December 31? The European Commission is cutting all suspense short. Impossible as it is for the Fincantieri group, largely owned by the Italian State, to afford the French shipyard called upon to build by 2038 the new generation aircraft carrier intended to succeed Charles-de -Gaulle.
Long touted as the advent of an “Airbus of the sea”, the merger agreement between the two parties, signed in February 2018, is in dry dock. Postponed four times, here it expires at the end of 2020.