A resident of Volgograd Natalya Rudenko , who once weighed more than three centners and is known as “the heaviest woman in Russia”, lost 150 kilograms in two years. She spoke about this in an interview with Volgograd Online.
According to Rudenko, during this time she had breakdowns, but she never wanted to stop. “My main assistant and critic is my mother. She always keeps me in good shape – around the clock and all year round. To get her praise, you need to show real results,” the Russian woman admitted.
Volgogradka lost enough weight to throw out the skirt that went with her “fire, water and copper pipes” and which she repeatedly sutured. “Now I want to fit into clothes of other sizes. Before my beloved, there are only 50 kilograms left, and before my dream skirt – 70. From old things I keep only trousers and a dressing gown – they were left only for comparison,” Rudenko shared.
In addition, she said that she had been ill with COVID-19 in the fall. During this time, her weight has increased. “During my illness, I was once again convinced: if you lie down and do nothing, then you will gain weight again and move away from your goal,” said Volgograd. Rudenko did not rule out that she will have several more operations. Ultimately, she plans to lose up to 70 kilograms.
Rudenko announced her desire to lose weight in the fall of 2018. Volgograd press wrote about her, also a woman appeared on the show > in fact, “on Channel One, where she was nicknamed” the hardest bride in Russia. ” In April 2019, she declared about the desire to lose weight for the wedding by another centner – up to 130 kilograms.
The Russian woman struggled with overweight since childhood. However, 13 years ago, after a miscarriage, the weight at that time of a 24-year-old woman began to grow rapidly due to hormonal disruption. For a long time Rudenko did not understand this, “seized problems” and told everyone close to her that she would certainly “take over”.
The woman realized the need for a medical diet in 2015. By that time, the Russian woman stopped leaving the house – she could not go down from the second floor on her own.