If you find money on the street, you should not immediately take it for yourself. As a rule, their owners contact the police and, together with department employees, look through the CCTV cameras installed at the place of the loss. The actions necessary in this case in a conversation with the Prime agency were named by a senior lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Synergy University Natalia Pshenichnikova .
She noted that if money was found on the street, it must be reported to the police department or local government. If the money was found in the transport, then tell the driver, driver or representative of the carrier, explained Pshenichnikova.
According to the law, even if the owner could not be found, the ownership goes to the finder only six months later. The time is counted from the moment the statement was registered with the police.
Earlier, doctors appreciated the danger of cash as a gift for the New Year. Epidemiologist Olga Nenastina recalled that any surface, including banknotes, are potential vehicles for the transmission of infections, including coronavirus.