The Project analyzed what hardware Linux users chose in 2020 and how their preferences have changed over the past year. The report is based on
The share of PC users continues to fall. The share of laptop users continues to grow:

Only 30% of respondents have upgraded their equipment in 2020. Half of them bought new equipment, and the rest – last year’s equipment produced in 2019:

The share of computers with SecureBoot enabled continues to grow slowly:

The share of computers without CD-ROMs exceeded the number of computers with CD-ROMs for the first time. CDs are a thing of the past:

The share of computers with only WiFi (no Ethernet port) continues to grow:

ASUSTek is losing ground in favor of HP, Lenovo, Dell, Acer and MSI. Gigabyte stagnates:

The share of Lenovo ThinkPad and IdeaPad and Dell Latitude continues to grow:

The share of SSD and NVMe overtook HDD at the end of the year:

The most popular HDD – Seagate is showing slow growth, the rest are stagnating:

The most popular SSD – Samsung is showing slow growth. Crucial and WDC are showing relatively fast growth:

The share of Full HD monitors has increased dramatically this year and now accounts for half of the total number of monitors. The share of 4K monitors also continues to grow:

The share of Intel and AMD graphics cards continues to grow slowly. The share of NVIDIA users continues to fall slowly: